Challengin the "right of floor" in the world of work!

Challengin the "right of floor" in the world of work!

The term "right of floor" in the context of the world of work is a concept often used to describe the expectation or acceptance of enduring difficult or unpleasant conditions, often in entry-level positions or early stages of one's career. It implies that individuals starting out in their careers must tolerate hardships, low pay, long hours, or other challenges as part of the process of gaining experience or proving oneself in the workplace.

Who said that starting your professional career means accepting abuse and unfair conditions? This is the question I asked myself after repeatedly hearing the famous phrase “floor rights.” This term is widely used in Latin America, while in other parts of the world it is known as “your first job”, “initiation job” or “work placement”. It is a term that has been used to justify deplorable labor practices since time immemorial.

I recently found an interesting article by researcher Carlos Arrizabalaga that explores the possible origin of this expression. It appears to have its roots in the history of agriculture in Sullana, where workers paid an annual tribute for the land on which they built their houses. Over time, this idea became widespread in the world of work, representing the difficult conditions that many young people face when entering the labor market.

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That's why I've chosen a different approach to my work life. I currently lead an innovative venture with its challenges, where respect, equality and well-being are fundamental. At Geektuc, no one pays a fee “for that initiation into the world of work” nor do we take advantage of juniors. We are all equal. Everyone has the opportunity to grow and develop without fear of being belittled or exploited.

But my purpose goes beyond my own project. I want to inspire other young people, especially juniors, to demand a change in the world of work. If you don't fight for your rights, no one will. Your life, your time, your health are worth much more than any job in deplorable conditions. It is time to speak out and put a stop to these practices for those who are just starting their working lives. Without a junior there is no senior and there is no company that can survive.

If you want to know more about this approach to work and how to implement it, I am here to share my experience with you. Together we can build a fairer and more equitable future of work for all.

Augusto Chaves Osores

Founder| Digital Marketing Manager| Agile Leader


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