Divino Roberto Veríssimo
Presidente na OPA - Organiza??o pela Preserv\??o Ambiental
Dear friends
I write this article today inspired by these people together:
1. Mr Rene Wadlow. President of the Citizens' Association of the World, speaking about the views of Mr Erich Fromm (original psychoanalyst from a Jewish family who had rabbis and Talmudic scholars, originally from Frankfurt) who brought with him the Messianic ideal of realizing the elevation of spiritual standards on the planet for a new organization of society (ideal that involves building the unity of the world spiritual and political)
2. Mr André Trigueiro, speaking of the essential value of women and the family in the world cultural order, highlighting the vision and position of Juana de Angellis (in the spiritist history recognized as an incarnation of Saint Clare, companion of Saint Francis of Assisi) on the Pollution x Psychosphere issue pointed out in chapter 3 of his book “After the Storm”
3. Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud's dialogues about wars and the possibility of getting rid of this threat forever...
4. The history of “War and Peace” presented by Leo Tolstoy, the Russian author that also occupies a prominent place in the Russian cultural scene and was an esperantist.
5. Edgar Morin's view of Russia's War with Ukraine in an article published in March 2022 where he states important facts that underlie the conflict.
They are visions loose in time and space since 1900 that can be gathered and help to take positions inside and outside the UN favorable to a permanent World Peace State from that point in history.
Visions of the War Scenario
In order, let's start with the current reality scenario that shows the War of Russia and Ukraine highlighted by the nature of force linked to the Nuclear Energy Club and of highest economic potential of competition. But it is recorded that many other low-scale economic and military armed conflicts are ongoing and causing numerous violations of the Universal Democratic and Social Rule of Law engineered with the UN - .Google has a list of ongoing conflicts. And, Patricia Pamplona of FOLHAPRESS from S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil, records in her February 2022 article that about 28 countries are experiencing conflict or registering armed combat between government forces, rebel groups and terrorists.
These conflicts are of an identity, family and sociocultural, economic, political and military nature and none of them originated in the present time. They are legacies of past wars in constant movement. Many other civil conflicts of an identity order are ongoing involving psychological, biological, chemical or health issues of today and the use of weapons and violence of various sizes inside and outside the system of grouping or military corps of people, families, economies, states and governments of Earth's member countries. And in this process we have the mass promotion of competition and economic relationship for salvation, survival, wealth, possession, power, consumption and dominance of technological or commercial divisions, isolation and the use of masks.
A permanent State of Universal Peace is the request of the populations of nations to the world's family, political, religious, economic and military authorities.
But the fear of disease, war and death, especially of a third world war, is the element that prevails in the mainstream media and maintains the induction (pulsation) of the fragmentation of the planet, today driven by the current crisis between Russia, Ukraine and the West, Covid 19 and climate change.
History and reason as a basis for resolution
In the story line of this scenario, the scientific aspects of Tolstoy's work "War and Peace" can help well the service of world diplomacy as a historical auxiliary for a unity and peace position of the Russia versus Ukraine War at this point in history.
As one of the most read and printed works in the Russian world, "War and Peace" is to a large extent a well-accepted version of the familiary, strength and power elements of five Russian aristocratic families, particularly the Bezukhovs, Bolkonskys and Rostovs and the links of their personal lives with the War of the Third Coalition (1805), the Peace of Tilsit (1807) and finally the Russian Campaign (1812) or the defense of Napoleon's invasion of Russia (in Franco-Russian relations). The book highlights the relations of the Russian tsarist nobility with the issue of serfs, secret societies and their movements in war, deprived of any free will.
And this history can lead to a union of their populations against this current scenario of war between brothers where we see the advancement of fragmentation and impoverishment of their countries by impelling pressures and paralysis of free will (read Human Rights) and the cultural unity of their populations. A situation of submission who the Russia overcame in Franco-Russian relations that being brought back??in Russian and Ukrainian relations with the West.
In the psychological line, it is worth considering the not exactly academic studies of Erich Fromm, a person born into an extremely religious Jewish family, from which several rabbis, psychoanalyst, humanist philosopher and German sociologist without medical training originated.
The vision of Mr Erich Fromm gives credit to Tolstoy's view on the lack of free will in wars, when he refers in his studies to the influence of the laws of supply and demand (the economic laws) in the exploitation of conflicts (as can be viewed today in the market relations on Covid 19 and arms market promotion). A framework of fluctuating influences where, in fact, everyone lives within a common anonymous market without any responsibility for the product they sell or buy and use. He does this with broad considerations of psychological and human studies. Exactly going through the thought of Sigmund Freud, the psychology of religion or pastoral psychology (subfield of Pastoral Theology in Christianity) and adding his considerations of life outside the professional world, in part related to Buddhism as an object of study of history and/or sociology of religions
In the line of the Psychosphere or psychic atmosphere (the field of electromagnetic emanation or the flow of smell, perception, light and colors of the mental, emotional and organic energies of beings) we have these data: the psychographic visions of Juana de Angellis, within the spiritist culture brought by the medium Divaldo Franco from Brazil, whose history is related to the cultural life of influential people in the history of the past. For example, Joana de Cusa, follower of Jesus and Santa Clara de Assis (1194-1253), follower of Saint Francis of Assisi and founder of the Poor Clares. . Juana de Angellis established the bridge between the Spiritist Doctrine and the modern currents of psychology, especially the transpersonal and Jungian, and opened space in the culture on the environment and humanity for social studies, not yet academic, on mental pollution (a psychospheric ecology of intelligent life). And she identified the personality of Jesus as the sublime ecologist.
She speaks of pollution or invisible (electromagnetic) vices of minds by shocks of energetic vibrations in disarray (out of order) that are related to various impact factors, such as: the impacts of war, nuclear energy, unbridled ambitions, lovelessness, fear, hatred, power of governmental force or violence and authoritarian actions and ignorance of life. Identity and social order and disorder related to humanity and good feelings in addition to emotions and migratory movements. And, the awareness added to this can help in conflict resolutions. André Trigueiro makes an excellent interpretation of the visions of Juana de Angellis
In line with scientific and academic studies on war and peace, we must consider these voices reflected in the scientific cultural domain of the League of Nations and the UN
The dialogues of Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud and the studies of Edgar Morin directed specifically for the understanding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
In an article published this year in France and published in Brazil on the Unisinos website, Edigar Morim a summarized – but detailed – construction of the facts that underlie the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. He points out these elements:
1. A NATO siege of Russian territory favorable to Western control of Russia,
2. Putin's objective as a search for security on the territorial bases of Greater Russia,
3. The pressures of economic warfare or different economic interests defined in terms of “multiple intertwined implications and so many totally unknown”.
4. The loss of strength of politics and diplomacy as a means of overcoming conflicts – which requires better and greater diplomatic action.
5. And, a possible outline of direction for the reestablishment of peace in the region.
And, in favor with Morim's studies, in the diplomatic line, the considerations of Brazilian ambassador Thereza Maria Quintella, retired as Brazilian consul general in Los Angeles, fit well.
The retired ambassador presents these 6 points of view on the Russian-Ukrainian war, considering her studies and relations with Russian culture.
1. It does not consider the possibility of the absorption of Russia by the West, given the history of resilience or resistance of its peoples in large scale wars. That is why she expresses concern about the arms race and the rearmament of Germany.
2. It states that for several countries, the invasion of Ukraine simply provided the great opportunity for a dangerous world rearmament - and that the EU renounced, for the time being or perhaps definitively, the illusion of an autonomous economic and strategic life in the face of the USA.
3. She pointed out that “the cultural and family ties between Russians and Ukrainians are very strong, and it is known that there were internal demonstrations against this war, but Putin remains with high support and the opposition would not be expressive enough to threaten him. ” She considers the Western expectation that Russian “oligarcs” or millionaires will provoke, or contribute to the overthrow of Putin, to be mistaken…
4. She sees Russia increasingly distant from the “West” and closer to China “and both countries opposed to American hegemony” – an American objective that she considers as the vector (vehicle of movement) of the conflicts of the world of today....
5. It considers peace as a concrete need to survive in the midst of conflicts of all kinds
6. She noted that “Ukraine has already signaled that it agrees to renounce NATO membership, and terms of its neutrality are being discussed – the Russian and Ukrainian?diplomatic corps are trying to process the demand that its neutrality be guaranteed (read, respected and protected) by countries of NATO, like the USA and some Europeans..
Of the 28 paragraphs of correspondence between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud on war and peace in July and September 1932 entitled “Warum Krieg?” (Einstein aged 53 and Freud aged 76) I will highlight only these views here:
1. Einstein points out that the roots of war lie in the manipulative behavior typical of the ruling classes and highlighted that by benefiting from the war in each nation, the power of the ruling classes is hostile to any limitation of national sovereignty”
2. And Freud points out to Einstein that “it is absolutely clear that nationalist ideas operate in a very opposite direction” to the formation of bonds of feeling, or bonds of identification between human beings on a scale that transcends the nation, emphasizing that “war it destroys lives full of promise", "forces the individual into situations that humiliate his nature" and "destroys material amenities, the fruits of human effort, and everything else".
And, any indication of the presence of this behavior in current governments lends credit to their views.
In such a way that Einstein and Freud incorporated this idea into their visions of war and peace:
That the cultural impression of permanent peace was not, in fact, the artificial elimination of explicit violence (military, police and economic), but the overcoming of the various forms of structural violence.
Additional information to consider
1. There is a significant increase in military spending (loan or investment, in social political parlance, donations) in NATO countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romaniae). What resulted in military investment in the OTAN 'countries and outside of NATO (India, China, Japan, North Korea among others We are seeing an increase in the construction of military divisions across the planet and a high rate of insecurity and fear
2. Last March 23, NATO announced the deployment of weapons to the former Eastern European republics “in order to increase military forces in the allied territories of the region”,
3. An artificial intelligence (AI) of drug development, managed to create, in a virtual environment, about 40 thousand deadly molecules that can be used as chemical weapons – the result of an arms technology in progress. The topic was published in the scientific journal "Nature Machine Intelligence".
4. The UN International Court of Justice issues a judgment on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, demanding what it cannot demand but promotes: the immediate suspension of the Russian military operation.
But it has received Russian and Chinese disagreement over the disposition of the process and the court's power to issue orders to nations and is considered incompetent to act as a peace broker. What, in practice, results in the fragmentation and reduction of the UN's mission in its condition of mediator of the unity and promotion of peace of nations on the planet within its tripod of action: Charter, Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Considering all this picture, we, the citizens of the world in different nations, are really at high risk of war, viral, psychological and other, non-measurable diseases. This consolidates Tolstoy's opinion on wealth and poverty, and that of Edgar Morim on the frequency of interventions by nations in the process in the name of peace moving in the opposite direction. The sense of offering intentions and decisions of power, both in the East and in the West, without any diplomatic action in the search for balance or definition of peace mediation.
In fact, we basically have a wide variety of business action over weaponry, power and command of forces over judgment and submission to the marked. A process constructed between NATO, US and economic market. There is no diplomacy in this type of action, but divisions of impulse of economic, military and political wars for the cultural domain of the parties.
And, in this case, this justifies Morim's question: “How to find the way between culpable weakness and irresponsible intervention?”
In the answer to Morim's question are the visions of the search for peacebuilding presented by the group of people described above. Let's get to the data.
1. In the dialogues of Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud about the possibility of getting rid of the threats of war on the planet forever, the path presented is this:
Promote the humanization of people through education. I would say, with the formation and socialization of human identity and socialization of love at the forefront. What he called "identification" (of the person) with "anything that leads men to share important interests" (universal), thus creating a "community of feelings" (would that be the planetary homeland sense?)
2. In Edgar Morim's analysis: “the scenario demands responses that superimpose the well-being of peoples over economic, monetary and security reasons (national security), as well as the obsessive emphasis on territorial control”. According to Morim, “we cannot make use of weakness or strength separately and we are obliged to navigate between the two in an uncertain way”.
3. In the studies mentioned by Mr Rene Wadlow, Erich Fromm issues this opinion:
“I believe that the unique world that is emerging can only exist if a new planetary man (read, a new world community with a planetary feeling as well as a national one) emerges.
A man (community) who has emerged from the archaic ties of blood and soil (identity and common life of every alliance) and who feels himself a citizen of the world with loyalty to the human race and to life and not to any part of it... A man who loves his country because he loves humanity (and the planet) and whose opinions are not distorted by tribal loyalties (nor removed from it. Which refers to a state of worldwide alliance of people, peoples and nations)
4. In Juana de Angellis's observations on pollution and the Psychosphere (psychic atmosphere or human mental environment), the spirit points, in the face of mental pollution, the detoxification or mental realignment of the Human Being. An operation only possible if associated with motherhood, human contact formation, linguistics and paternal/maternal/community socialization in aliance with the education attributed to masters, teachers and educators of people between families, schools, peoples, nations and their religious, political and economic.
5. In the interpretation of Tolstoy's writings, the establishment of the just correction of the human relations between poverty and wealth – poor and rich. Disse Tolstoi: “Há algo de errado com a cria??o deste mundo, porque os ricos pensam que s?o benfeitores dos pobres, quando na verdade os ricos s?o alimentados e vestidos pelo trabalho desses pobres, e vivem no luxo que é para eles. criado."
Apparently, all these characters in current culture agree that the achievement of peace requires a worldwide reform of the sociocultural structures of justice, law and governments that sustain structural violence. ?Something more advanced than “legal conflict resolution”, although without discarding it, which is aligned with a vision of “transformation of conflicts” in love, fraternity and security in a dimension greater than national and international – the universal dimension.. .
In fact, the war scenario shows us a race for power and not for peace - a race considered in the studies of the people cited the hostile characteristic of the ruling classes of all nations when called to any limitation of sovereignty.
A verifiable characteristic, still according to the studies of these people, in the human groups whose aspirations are in mercenary economic guidelines or of force, property or dominion that consider war, the manufacture and sale/offer and consumption of weapons, simply as an occasion for promote their personal interests of power and extend their property and authority.
And, what does the peace scenario show us?
It shows this reality in all war elimination narratives.
That we must create the world cultural union. In the present day, the advancement of the establishment of a cultural state of peace, of a world governance structure focused on the balance of security and sovereignty of national governments and the well-being of all. In other words, that we must create the culture of citizenship and supranational or world cultural organization for peace. - Integrate poverty and wealth, religion and politics, establish social well-being as the basis of economic relations and intergenerational human security and peace - personal, social and global governmental. Because no territory is safe in the face of the power scenario of the use of force or accidents related to chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.
Currently, we are on the way – even if, as Morim says, on the edge of an abyss.
Because we are immersed in the certainty that the three UN tripods mentioned above can lead to the regulation of peace over all wars and their side effects or their sequels. The League of Nations heard this question from Freud some 90 years ago:
"How long do we have to wait until the rest of the men become pacifists?
Today we can say in peace, with tranquility:
There are no answers about time. But also that we have the guidelines of these people who are added to the great personal, family, religious, philosophical, scientific, social, economic and political masters of humanity and we move on.
We continue with the current and next generations in search of a unity of the differences and the union of forces in the maintenance of peace and security of cultures, races and movements of humanity inside and outside the Earth.
From my only human point of view, related to this scenario that I have just presented to you, this would be the most important step of the UN within its mission and competence exercised in the last 77 years. The step that would renew its strength before the population in the process of establishing a sustainable Planetary Governance State in its tripod of direction or global paradigm:
To convene a political and military General Assembly with Russia, Ukraine, member governments of the UN and its Security Council to discuss in a responsible and cultural way the way of operating peace actions, cleaning and balancing the space climate and the human psychosphere. That is, a meeting of the authorities of the world to study and discuss not only judgment and sanctions related to Russian and Ukrainian demands or military operations and distribution and financing of weapons and war... But to discuss responsibility and support of all in relation to eliminating the global risk implications of military, terrorist and economic actions on the mind and body of the planet and man – including in this case the worldwide petition to end policies that threaten the use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in internal conflicts of the nations of the Earth.
With love, peace and light
Divine Roberto Verissimo.
England & NW Europe+Sweden & Denmark+Scotland+Ireland+Basque+Germanic Europe+Wales = American ?????????
2 年Thank you for this informative article. I wonder why are there so many divisions within our society. We may not have the same troubles, but we consistently do all have them. Disease processes crosses all divides. Tragedy crosses all divides. Arrests crosses all divides. (Trust me.) I am not discounting issues that must be addressed within the more introspective locus that unites us. I LOVE diversity, but not division. So, I notice a cringing gut reaction whenever I read about highlighted racially or gender or ethnicity related groups because this actually perpetuates division. I thought the point of overcoming the atrocities related to the pathology of racism, of religion preference, of ethnicity, was to pursue a continuance of the goal towards equality. I worked with people of various demographics, but they all had diseases and that is the locus that brought them to me. I believe in people, not the color of people. My hope is that people unite on the basis of interest, and not on appearance. Division like this diverts the focus from the reason we are here. Please consider being more inclusive and less divisional. We really do need need each other to survive. ??