Chal-lenges of Sus-tain-ab-il-ity Re-search

Chal-lenges of Sus-tain-ab-il-ity Re-search

Kick Off Conference at the univer of Kassel | 2022 September 14th – 16th

The first conference of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability will focus on the opportunities, problems and effects of the transformation in the sense of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their challenges for science.

Framed by keynotes on the key topics of nature, technology, culture and society, the conference offers lectures and discussions in a total of 25 different panels from the broad spectrum of issues surrounding the SDGs. In the Open Space (Sustainability Research Café), the conference participants will discuss their proposals for research at the Kassel Institute.

Please follow the link for more information.

In line with the wide research on sustainabilty at the University of Kassel, there will we a range of keynotes and different panels. There will be lifestreams and recordings, links are on the website already linked above. so , you can get an idea aboiut the research in Kassel as well as the presentations given by a wider range of internationla and national colleagues.


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