Challenges, Roadblocks, Hurdles in making STPs work in India
The seminal Notification of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, GOI dt. September 14, 2016, mandated among other things, Prior Env. Clearance for Building and Construction projects.?This Notification also gave birth to what we now commonly know as “Decentralised Urban STPs”. ?Sewage Treatment Plants in Residential complexes, Commercial establishments, Hotels, Malls, Hospitals, Education Institutions, Resorts etc., under private management and control.?
All has not been well with these STPs
Not many, including the Govt. Agencies required to monitor and control pollution, Architects, their plumbing consultants and their crony vendors were equipped enough to understand and identify the Best Available and Practicable STP technology for such mini and small STPs. ?Simple logic and bit of common sense should tell us that one STP technology does not fit all sizes – Scale matters. ?This was the genesis of the monumental problem India faces today with more than 80 – 85 % of these urban STPs being Dysfunctional or outright defunct. In some cities, I daresay the percentage is even higher !
And now the Challenges, Roadblocks, Hurdles in making these STPs functional again :
1. As already stated, the importance, indeed the advantages and benefits of a good STP was not understood by the primary stakeholders who gave birth to these STPs.?Worse ! they continue to churn out the same old rubbish, stuck in the same rut, never learning from their mistakes, nor wanting to be educated when offered.
2. Lack of education and knowledge about STPs in the ultimate inheritors of these STPs – the Builders, the flat owners, the RWAs etc. Very little thought on future proofing their Water Security, deriving economic benefits from reducing dependence on ever rising cost of fresh water, ?protection of the Environment etc.
3. Acts of Omission and commission by the Govt. Agencies which disincentivise STP rectification & upgradation to comply with statutory norms and obligations such as :
4. Magnitude and /or unavailability of initial funding required to rectify and make STPs functional again
5. Poor past experience of such misadventure towards rectification at the hands of incompetent agencies, quacks, shamans, voodoo practitioners : the proverbial from the frying pan into the fire syndrome.?
We at Ecotech are putting in our best efforts to rectify such aspects which may be under our control?like spreading awareness, educating, offering initial funding for rectification – ECOPEX option which offers total peace of mind to our customers.
For the other aspects not under our control, we can only hope and pray that good sense will prevail?
Dr. Ananth S Kodavasal???? ??………………………..??????????????June 27, 2021