Challenges Faced in Countering the Financing of Terrorism in Pakistan

Challenges Faced in Countering the Financing of Terrorism in Pakistan


Barrister Zafar Iqbal Kalanauri[i]



?Addressing the financing of terrorism (CFT) is a crucial element of the worldwide initiative to tackle terrorism. Pakistan, similar to numerous other nations, encounters considerable difficulties in halting the movement of funds to terrorist groups functioning within its territory. Although the country has implemented several measures, it continues to struggle with various challenges in effectively combating the financing of terrorism. The Program on Countering Financing of Terrorism focuses on enhancing member-states' abilities to comprehend the risks of terrorism and its financing, boosting the effectiveness of inter-agency collaboration based on international best practices, and fortifying the national capability to counter these threats

Terrorism impacts many nations around the world, with 163 countries affected. The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) provides an extensive analysis of the impact of terrorism across 163 countries, representing 99.7 percent of the global population. According to the Oxford dictionary, terrorism is defined as the deliberate use of violence or the threat of violence to create fear. The objective of terrorism is to coerce or intimidate governments or societies to achieve goals that are typically political, religious, or ideological.

Major causes of terrorism.

?These causes are based on five factors: resistance to colonial rule, ethnic separation, internal political factors, support for external factors, and ideological beliefs.

?Disadvantages of terrorism.

?Terrorism has a direct impact on human rights, with consequences for the enjoyment of the right to life, liberty and physical integrity of individuals, especially victims of terrorism. It can destabilise and undermine entire societies, jeopardise peace and security and threaten social and economic development. This customary rule requires the two key elements: (i) the perpetration of a criminal act (such as murder, kidnapping, hostage-taking, arson, and so on), or threatening such an act; (ii) the intent to spread fear among the population (which would generally entail the creation of public danger) or directly.

Wilkinson has defined four types of terrorism: criminal, psychic, war, and political. One of the aims of terrorism is to provoke the authorities into using illegal, unconstitutional, and repressive measures and thereby to lose public support.

?Social effects of terrorism.

?Terrorism indeed overshadows every aspects of economic, social, cultural and political life. While it bring instability and disrupts peace and coexistence environment, it directly endangers the lives of people and brings every types of violence in the society.

The social impact of terrorism is the loss of faith and brotherhood among the citizens, communal conflicts and disintegration of the nation. Disruption of business and trade relations is classified as the economic impact of terrorism. Regarding what motivates terrorism, from a psychological perspective there is little evidence that terrorists have abnormally high levels of mental illness or psychopathy. They are rational actors with purpose, intent, high levels of commitment, and deeply held convictions.

?Counter financing of terrorism.

?The Programme on Countering Financing of Terrorism aims at strengthening the capacity of member-states to understand the risks of terrorism and its financing, improving the efficiency of inter-agency cooperation in accordance with international best practices, strengthening the country's national capacity to counter .

?Major contributors to terrorism stem from five core factors: resistance against colonialism, ethnic division, internal political dynamics, reliance on external influences, and ideological convictions.The negative effects of terrorism are significant. It directly affects human rights and has repercussions on individuals' rights to life, freedom, and physical safety, particularly for those who are victims of terrorist acts. It can threaten to destabilize entire communities, undermine peace and security, and hinder social and economic progress. This widely accepted principle entails two essential components: (i) committing a criminal act (such as murder, kidnapping, hostage-taking, arson, etc.), or the threat of such an act; (ii) the aim to instill fear within the populace, which typically involves creating a sense of public danger or threat.

?Wilkinson categorized terrorism into four distinct types: criminal, psychic, war, and political. One of the objectives of terrorism is to provoke governmental authorities into implementing illegal, unconstitutional, and oppressive actions, thereby losing support from the public.

?The social ramifications of terrorism pervade all aspects of economic, social, cultural, and political life. While it generates instability and disrupts peaceful coexistence, it also poses a direct threat to people's lives and incites various forms of violence within society. The social consequences of terrorism include a breakdown of trust and camaraderie among citizens, increased communal strife, and national fragmentation. The economic impact of terrorism leads to interruptions in business and trade interactions. In terms of the motivations behind terrorism, psychological analyses indicate scarce evidence suggesting that terrorists possess unusually high levels of mental disorders or psychopathy. Rather, they are rational individuals driven by purpose, intent, strong commitment, and firmly held beliefs.

?The Counter Financing of Terrorism Programme is designed to enhance member states' abilities to comprehend the threats posed by terrorism and its financing while improving inter-agency collaboration following international best practices and bolstering the national capacity to combat these chall

?Eight phases of terrorism.

?Eight Signs of Terrorism

· Surveillance. Someone recording or monitoring activities.

· Elicitation. People or organizations attempting to gain information about military operations, capabilities, or people.

· Tests of Security.

· Acquiring Supplies.

· Suspicious Persons Out of Place.

· Dry Run/Trial Run.

· Deploying Assets.

· Funding.

Impacts of Terrorism

?· Loss of Life & Property Damage. This is the main impact of a terrorist event.

· Long Term Psychological Damage. This can be accomplished with just threats and no real action on the part of terrorists.

· Loss of Business, Either Due to Real or Perceived Threats.

Five common types of terrorism.

?Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism; assassinations; kidnappings; hijackings; bomb scares and bombings; cyber- attacks (computer-based); and the use of chemical.

?Most common form of terrorism.

?Bombings are the most common type of terrorist act. Typically, improvised explosive devices are inexpensive and easy to make.

?Concept of terrorism.

?Although the term is not subject to a universally agreed definition, terrorism can be broadly understood as a method of coercion that utilizes or threatens to utilize violence in order to spread fear and thereby attain political or ideological goals.

?Origin of the word terrorism.

?The term "terrorism" comes from French terrorism, from Latin: terror, "great fear", "dread", related to the Latin verb terrere, "to frighten".

?The Four effects of terrorism.

In general, after terrorist acts, people suffer from post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety and major depression. Additionally, survivors of terrorist attacks are more vulnerable to substance abuse issues and psychosomatic symptoms after an attack.

?Effects of terrorism and violence.

?Acts of terrorism cause citizens to experience a complex range of negative emotions, including anxiety, anger, sorrow, and a sense of vulnerability and helplessness. Research on the magnitude and duration of these effects may play an important role in efforts to build peace and reduce violence in the world.

?Main cause of terrorism in Pakistan.

?The roots of terrorism in Pakistan can be traced back to 1979 when Soviet Union had occupied Afghanistan. Terrorism in Pakistan originated after Pakistan supported the Afghan mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War, and the subsequent civil war that erupted in Afghanistan.

Three theories of terrorism.

?Three major psychoanalytic theories are often invoked in relation to terrorism: identity theory, narcissism theory, and paranoia theory. Identity theory posits that the consolidation of identity constitutes a formal stage of personal development (Erikson, 1959).

?Long-term effects of terrorism.

?In addition to PTSD, many of the victims of a terrorist attack may suffer the death of family members, close friends, or work colleagues, which can lead to a complicated bereavement with its own elevated risk for depression, self-medication, and substance abuse.

?Short term effects of terrorism.

?Terrorist attacks may induce fear, stress and a sense of insecurity in the general population . An important question for research has been whether this fear is linked to adverse outcomes for health and wellbeing in the general public, in addition to what is observed in groups directly exposed to attacks.

?Effects of terrorism in Pakistan.

?The immediate costs of terrorist acts are loss of human lives, destruction of property and infrastructure and curtailment of short-term economic activity. Additionally, terrorism creates uncertainty, reduces confidence and increases risk perceptions; leading to lower rates of

?Informal Financial Systems:

?One major challenge in Pakistan's efforts to counter terrorism financing lies in its vast informal financial systems. Hawala and hundi, traditional informal methods of transferring funds, operate outside the formal banking sector, making it challenging for authorities to track and regulate transactions. Terrorist organizations often exploit these channels to move funds covertly, rendering conventional monitoring mechanisms less effective.

?Cross-Border Transactions:

?Pakistan shares porous borders with Afghanistan and India, making it susceptible to cross-border terrorism financing. Illicit funds can easily flow across these borders, complicating efforts to trace and prevent financial support for terrorist activities. Improved coordination with neighboring countries and enhanced border security measures are essential to mitigate this challenge.

?Weak Regulatory Framework:

?A robust regulatory framework is crucial for effective CFT measures. However, Pakistan has faced criticism for gaps in its legal and regulatory infrastructure. Strengthening and enforcing laws related to anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) is imperative to create a more hostile environment for illicit financial activities.

?Non-Profit Organizations and Charities:

?Terrorist organizations often exploit non-profit organizations and charities to disguise their funding sources. Pakistan has struggled to strike a balance between supporting legitimate charitable activities and preventing them from becoming conduits for terrorism financing. Enhancing oversight, transparency, and accountability within these entities is vital to address this challenge.

?Technological Advances:

?As technology evolves, so do the methods used by terrorists to move funds. Cryptocurrencies and online payment platforms provide new avenues for illicit financial transactions, posing a challenge to traditional monitoring systems. Adapting regulatory frameworks and enhancing technological capabilities are essential to keep pace with these advancements.

?Political and Social Dynamics:

?Terrorism financing can be intertwined with political and social dynamics, making it a sensitive issue. Political instability and societal divisions can hinder efforts to implement and enforce robust CFT measures. Building consensus among various stakeholders and fostering a commitment to national security are critical components in overcoming these challenges.

?Capacity Building and Training:

?Effective implementation of CFT measures requires skilled personnel within law enforcement, regulatory bodies, and the financial sector. Pakistan faces challenges in providing adequate training and resources to build the capacity of these institutions. Strengthening human capital through targeted training programs is essential to enhance the country's ability to counter terrorism financing.

Countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) is a crucial aspect of the global efforts to combat terrorism. Governments, international organizations, and financial institutions work together to implement measures to prevent the flow of funds to terrorist organizations. Here are key aspects of financing for terrorism as an issue and the countermeasures implemented globally:

?Financing for Terrorism:

?Sources of Funding:

?Illicit Funds: Terrorist groups often obtain funds through criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and human trafficking.

?State Sponsorship: Some terrorist organizations receive financial support from state sponsors or sympathizers.

?Money Laundering: Terrorists may use money laundering techniques to disguise the origins of funds, making it challenging to trace and identify illicit transactions.

Informal Financial Systems: Terrorist networks may exploit informal financial channels, like hawala, to transfer funds without detection.

Cryptocurrencies: The use of cryptocurrencies can provide anonymity and facilitate covert financial transactions for terrorist activities.

?Legitimate Sources: Terrorist groups may exploit legitimate sources, such as charitable organizations, to channel funds for illicit purposes.

?Objectives of terrorism.

Terrorist acts frequently have a political purpose based on self-determination claims, ethnonationalist frustrations, single issue causes (like abortion or the environment), or other ideological or religious causes that terrorists claim are a moral justification for their violent acts.

?Types of terrorism.

?The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) categorizes terrorism in the United States as one of two types - domestic terrorism or international terrorism. Domestic terrorism involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government or population without foreign direction.


International Cooperation:

?Countries collaborate through international organizations like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to set global standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.?

Regulatory Frameworks:

Countries establish and enforce robust legal and regulatory frameworks to criminalize terrorist financing and ensure compliance with international standards.

?Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs):

FIUs play a crucial role in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating financial intelligence to detect and prevent suspicious transactions associated with terrorist financing.

?Know Your Customer (KYC) and Due Diligence:

Financial institutions implement KYC and customer due diligence processes to verify the identity of clients and monitor transactions for any suspicious activities.


Countries and international bodies impose sanctions on individuals, entities, and states involved in supporting or financing terrorism.

?Interagency Coordination:

?Governments establish and enhance coordination among various agencies, including law enforcement, intelligence, and financial regulatory bodies.

Targeted Financial Sanctions:

Implementation of targeted financial sanctions against individuals and entities associated with terrorism to freeze assets and restrict their access to the international financial system.

?Risk-Based Approach:

?Adopting a risk-based approach to assess and address the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing in various sectors, including financial institutions and non-profit organizations.

?Technological Solutions:

?Leveraging technology, such as data analytics and artificial intelligence, to monitor and detect suspicious financial transactions in real-time.

?Public Awareness:

?Raising awareness among financial institutions, businesses, and the public about the importance of reporting suspicious financial activities and transactions.

Effective countermeasures involve a combination of legal, regulatory, technological, and international cooperation efforts. The landscape evolves, and ongoing adaptation of strategies is crucial to staying ahead of emerging threats related to the financing of terrorism investment and lower economic growth.

?Characteristics of effective counter terrorism strategies.

?The counterterrorism strategy used by the U.S. Government has three elements: firmness toward terrorists; pressure on states supporting terrorism; and practical measures to deter, apprehend, and punish terrorists.

Main points of the counter terrorism and security Act 2015.

?The act will:

  • disrupt the ability of people to travel abroad to engage in terrorist activity and then return to the UK.
  • enhance the ability of operational agencies to monitor and control the actions of those who pose a threat.
  • combat the underlying ideology that feeds, supports and sanctions terrorism.

Some countries have formed the counter terrorism Committee. The Committee is composed of 15 Member States.

?First counter terrorism unit.

?The first counterterrorism body formed was the Special Irish Branch of the Metropolitan Police, later renamed the Special Branch after it expanded its scope beyond its original focus on Fenian terrorism. Various law enforcement agencies established similar units in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

Counter terrorism channel.

?Channel is about early intervention to protect those who are susceptible to being drawn into committing terrorist-related activity and addresses all types of extremism. Participation in Channel is voluntary.

?Counter terrorism is a degree.

The counterterrorism studies associate degree at American Military University (AMU) provides you with a greater understanding of post-9/11 world and the complexities of counterterrorism. AMU's online associate in counterterrorism studies program explores: The origins and motivations for terrorism.

?Intelligence is important in counter terrorism.

That makes it especially important to prevent terrorist attacks by interdicting the terrorists and their resources before they can reach their targets. The primary means of accomplishing this is through a combination of intelligence and law enforcement work.

Countering terrorist travel

?Terrorists, as well as those they inspire, represent a major transnational threat. Detecting and disrupting the travel of these individuals and groups, and other high-risk criminals, is a priority for the international community, including the United Nations.

?Difference between counter terrorism and counter intelligence.

?The defensive role focuses on protecting sensitive information in the case of counter intelligence, and vulnerable targets in the case of counterterrorism. Measures can overlap but they more often differ due to the risks that arise from failure in each respective activity.

?The Four strains of terrorism.

?The four strains we have identified all date from the same period, and although they have mostly developed separately since, they do occasionally combine and mutate. These four strains- horsemen of terrorism are Nationalism, Socialism, Religious Extremism, and Social Exclusion.

Difference between cybercrime and cyber terrorism.

?There are various interpretations of the term cyberterrorism. It is often difficult to make a clear distinction between cybercrime and cyberterrorism. Nevertheless, cyberterrorism differs from other criminal forms of action in cyberspace primarily in its goals, which are those common to political terrorism in general.

?Revolutionary terrorism.

?Revolutionary terrorism refers to terrorist activities undertaken for political purposes and inspired by revolutionary aims. Given the definition of crime as activity that violates the criminal law, it would have to be admitted that acts of terrorism are indeed crimes.

?CONTEST, the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy.

?It’s based on four ?themes (4 P's of counter-terrorism):

· prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism

· pursue: to stop terrorist attacks happening

· protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack

· prepare: to minimise the impact of a terrorist attack

Prevent helps vulnerable people at risk of being recruited by terrorist or extremist groups, whether in this country or abroad.

Prevent is one of the four elements of the U.K Government's Counter-Terrorism Strategy,

Contest. There are 4 elements of this strategy:

Prepare, Protect, Pursue and Prevent.

Difference between counter-terrorism and counterinsurgency.

Rather than directly fighting the enemy through hard power strikes as has been the approach of counterterrorism strategies, counterinsurgency involves securing the population as a means to reduce the operational capacity of the insurgency within the population.

Challenges and Solutions:

?Global Nature of Terrorism:

?Challenge: Terrorist financing often crosses international borders, making it difficult to track and regulate.

Solution: Strengthen international cooperation and information sharing among governments and financial institutions. Implement and adhere to international standards set by organizations like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

?Use of Informal Financial Systems:?

Challenge: Terrorist groups may exploit informal financial channels, such as hawala, to transfer funds without detection.

Solution: Enhance regulation and oversight of informal financial systems. Encourage cooperation between formal and informal financial sectors to improve transparency.

?Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets:

Challenge: The use of cryptocurrencies and digital assets can provide anonymity and facilitate illicit financial transactions.

Solution: Strengthen regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges. Enhance the monitoring of digital financial transactions to detect and prevent terrorist financing.

?Corruption and Bribery:

?Challenge: Corruption within financial institutions or government agencies may facilitate terrorist financing.

Solution: Implement robust anti-corruption measures, enhance internal controls, and conduct regular audits. Promote a culture of integrity and transparency within institutions.

?Nonprofit Organizations and Charities:

?Challenge: Charities may unknowingly or intentionally fund terrorist activities.

Solution: Implement stringent regulatory frameworks for nonprofit organizations. Conduct regular audits and due diligence on the financial activities of charities to ensure compliance with regulations.

?Limited Financial Intelligence:

?Challenge: Inadequate sharing of financial intelligence between countries and financial institutions.


Strengthen national and international financial intelligence units. Encourage the timely exchange of information related to suspicious transactions and individuals involved in terrorist financing.

?Adaptability of Terrorist Tactics:

?Challenge: Terrorist groups constantly adapt their tactics to exploit weaknesses in financial systems.

Solution: Foster innovation in financial intelligence and technology to stay ahead of evolving tactics. Encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors to share insights on emerging threats.

?Resource Constraints:

?Challenge: Limited resources for law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute cases of terrorist financing.

Solution: Allocate adequate resources for training, technology, and intelligence sharing. Enhance coordination among various agencies involved in countering terrorist financing.?

Legal and Regulatory Frameworks:?

Challenge: Inconsistent or inadequate legal and regulatory frameworks across different jurisdictions.

Solution: Harmonize and strengthen legal frameworks globally. Ensure that domestic laws align with international standards and obligations.

?Public Awareness:

?Challenge: Lack of public awareness about the importance of reporting suspicious financial activities.

Solution: Implement public awareness campaigns to educate individuals, businesses, and financial institutions about the signs of terrorist financing. Encourage the reporting of suspicious activities. Countering the financing of terrorism requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach, involving both domestic and international efforts. It's essential to address these challenges through a combination of regulatory measures, technology enhancements, and global cooperation to effectively combat terrorist financing.

?Primary objective of counter terrorism.

?A very important element of any State's counter-terrorism efforts is to gather intelligence regarding those plotting and perpetrating terrorist acts against it. The overarching goal is to maintain the integrity of national security, keeping the population safe in the process.

?Best ways to prevent terrorism.

?You can help reduce the chance of a terrorist attack by keeping an eye out for suspicious situations and reporting a suspicious situation if you see one.?

· Be vigilant.

· Emergency number.

· Reporting suspicious situations that are not an emergency.

Experts generally agree that there are five categories of terrorist incidents. We need to take a brief look at the five: biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical, and explosive.

An example of counter terrorism.

General counter-terrorism measures.

For example: Websites that use hate speech or call for violence or discrimination are taken down. The Counterterrorism Alert System warns the government and key sectors (such as drinking water companies and the energy sector) about terrorist threats.

Roles of counter terrorism.

?Prevent-stopping vulnerable people from being drawn into extremism. Prepare- preparing to respond to terrorist attacks and reducing the impact they have. Protect-protecting the public and places from terrorist attacks. Pursue-tracking and apprehending terrorists and helping to bring them to justice.

?Develop a specialized counter terrorism unit.

Three of the world finest elite special forces, the United States Navy Seals, the British SAS and the Israeli Special Forces are represented at the National Sheriffs' Associations Global Center for Public Safety by their Best of the Best. The Pakistan Government should device a policy to take steps to develop a special force on the same model and do the capacity building for that.

?National Legislation:

?Pakistan has enacted various laws to counter terrorism financing. The primary legislation is the "Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010" and the "Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997."

The Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010, criminalizes money laundering and establishes measures to detect and prevent money laundering activities.

?Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Compliance:

?Pakistan has been under scrutiny by the FATF, an intergovernmental organization that sets standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

The government has taken steps to align its legal and regulatory framework with FATF recommendations to address concerns related to terrorist financing.

?Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU):

?The Financial Monitoring Unit is the central authority in Pakistan responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information related to suspicious transactions and activities.

It plays a crucial role in implementing anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures.

?Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD):

?Financial institutions in Pakistan are required to adhere to stringent KYC and CDD procedures to verify the identity of their customers and monitor transactions for any suspicious activities.

Reporting Obligations:

?Financial institutions, designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs), and other entities are obligated to report suspicious transactions to the FMU.

?United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Sanctions:

?Pakistan complies with international sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council, including measures related to individuals and entities associated with terrorism.

?Risk-Based Approach:

?legitimate charitable activities and preventing them from becoming conduits for terrorism financing. Enhancing oversight, transparency, and accountability within these entities is vital to address this challenge.

?Technological Advances:

?As technology evolves, so do the methods used by terrorists to move funds. Cryptocurrencies and online payment platforms provide new avenues for illicit financial transactions, posing a challenge to traditional monitoring systems. Adapting regulatory frameworks and enhancing technological capabilities are essential to keep pace with these advancements.

?Political and Social Dynamics:

?Terrorism financing can be intertwined with political and social dynamics, making it a sensitive issue. Political instability and societal divisions can hinder efforts to implement and enforce robust CFT measures. Building consensus among various stakeholders and fostering a commitment to national security are critical components in overcoming these challenges.

?Capacity Building and Training:

?Effective implementation of CFT measures requires skilled personnel within law enforcement, regulatory bodies, and the financial sector. Pakistan faces challenges in providing adequate training and resources to build the capacity of these institutions. Strengthening human capital through targeted training programs is essential to enhance the country's ability to counter terrorism financing.

The legal framework emphasizes a risk-based approach to identifying and mitigating the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. This involves assessing and addressing risks in a targeted manner.

?Penalties and Enforcement:

?The legal framework includes provisions for penalties against individuals and entities involved in money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Enforcement mechanisms are in place to ensure compliance.

?International Cooperation:

Pakistan collaborates with international organizations and foreign counterparts to strengthen its capacity to combat cross-border money laundering and terrorist financing.

?Amendments and Updates:

?The government of Pakistan may introduce amendments and updates to its legal and regulatory framework to address emerging threats and comply with international standards.

It's important to note that the information provided here is a general overview, and you should refer to the latest legal documents, official publications, and updates from relevant authorities in Pakistan for the most current details on the legal and regulatory frameworks related to countering the financing of terrorism.


?Implementing strong anti-money laundering and efforts to combat the funding of terrorism (AML/CFT) strategies and actions are crucial for maintaining the integrity and stability of the global financial system and the economies of its member nations. The activities of money laundering (ML) and the crimes it supports (referred to as "predicate offenses" or "predicate crimes"), along with the funding of terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or the spread of funds for such purposes, are economic-based crimes that can jeopardize the financial health and overall stability of a nation. These activities can lead to destabilizing "hot money" flows, banking crises, inadequate tax collection, broader weaknesses in governance, reputational damage to international financial hubs, and the loss of banking partnerships. In today's interconnected world, the negative impacts of these crimes are felt globally, threatening the integrity and stability of the international financial system. AML/CFT policies and actions are aimed at preventing and fighting these crimes, and they are vital for safeguarding the integrity and stability of financial markets and the global financial system. The fight against terrorism is relentless, requiring perseverance, specialized Counter-terrorism, Intelligence, and rapid operations. This battle involves a mix of psychological, physical, and economic strategies, all designed to weaken the terrorists' ideological, operational, and financial strength. Terrorism Financing is about gathering and managing funds to support terrorists. While money laundering and terrorism financing differ in many respects, they often take advantage of the same loopholes in financial systems that allow for excessive anonymity and transparency in financial transactions. A country's placement on the FATF's grey list is determined by its adherence to FATF recommendations and the effectiveness of its AML/CFT measures. Financial Education, considered the most critical subject, is notably missing from the standard school curriculum. This omission is intended to keep the less fortunate uninformed and to protect the wealth of the elite. The task of countering the financing of terrorism is intricate and ever-changing. Overcoming these challenges demands a holistic and multifaceted strategy that includes legal, regulatory, technological, and social dimensions. It is essential to collaborate with international allies, continually enhance regulatory frameworks, and invest in the development of skills to establish a robust system against terrorism financing in Pakistan. The fight against terrorism financing is a complex endeavor that involves a variety of stakeholders, including governments, financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, and international organizations. This article discusses the challenges faced in combating terrorism financing and proposes potential solutions.


[i] Zafar Iqbal Kalanauri Barrister, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan Arbitrator,?Mediator?, White Collar Crime Investigator; Zafar Kalanauri & Associates; 128-A Upper Mall Scheme, Lahore 54000, Pakistan. Cell: (+92) 300-4511823,? E-mail:?[email protected]?;


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