European Union flags flutter outside the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, September 28, 2022. -REUTERS



The pivotal geopolitics and development of Europe accounted vulnerabilities on conflict and resolutions ever since the World War 2 concluded. The European Union (EU) goal in achieving mutual understanding and goals descend the treaties based on economic interdependence - stand-in agendas of cooperation.?EU political thrust engraving complex component in framing agendas, highlighting opportunities, and engulfing state action build interconnection and conviction. Therefore, EU flaunted utmost incipient power bloc ever existed, in line with political and economic union progressing de jure (by law) administering intra-regional relations.

In particular, EU transported regional peace, prosperity, and security within member states. Such specimen included levitate the living standards and adoption of single currency in the usage of most 19 sovereign states relish entitlement. The institution is democratically centralized, whereby executive enforcement and decisional-making jointly bound to respect to supranational levels. EU governing the highest body than state domestic law, decision-making board determined in European Commission (all-inclusive interests of EU), European Council (The Head of States in EU Member States), European Parliament (EU representative by citizens vote), and the Council of the European Union (Council state governments representation of the EU).

The union itself tend to necessitate ambitious of European integration, thus does not compromise structured reinforcement. Numerous chronicles forecasting EU opportunities and challenges ahead likely to endure uncertainty, cautiously long-suffering onwards contentions and disorder. The tradition of EU formulated betwixt predicaments, confronted constructive push of tragedies and accumulate improvisation as mature steps remark an imperative changeover. To highlight, the challenges of European Union politics and regionalism featured as statehood enigma and coined, permanent state of crisis. The key questions to this research are, how to examine endurance for the European Union in Times of Disaster and how to inspect and identify the complications of European Foreign Policy?

Theoretical Framework

Liberal Institutionalism

Johnson & Heiss (2018) interpreted liberal institutionalism availed itself as a refute to ordinary international relations doctrine, that demonstrated pervasive nation influenced global politics and therefore?international institutions constituted negligible. The theory of international relations constructs liberal institutionalism assembles the delegation of authority and rule fall under supranational units. The new formation revolutionizes extraordinary political and economic genesis. Primarily, the term ‘Institutionalism’ clarified closely to European integration that outlines patterns of political rivalry with limit to regulate state benefits and securitising political possessions. Institutionalism develop as an alternative theory besides internationalism, objecting the mutual purpose in the international system underpinning emphasis on the ability to fairly cooperate. Henceforth, comprehend the capability of regionalism which the use of exertion reflects unsuccessful in the policy (domestic/ international) tools. State’s role has a crucial impact in validation and adapting world affairs – prior to domestic interests subsidizing policies and empirical issues. EU institutionalism keen its dependence on soft-power instruments and optimise incentive-based policies. In the pursuit of liberalist movement, intuitionalism nurtured more protruding, and criticizers spreading more uttered. The constituents of institutionalist clarification resolute to state leanings and institutions. The rules of the game carved the principles and origin of institutional provisions which earn place to the EU pathway. Institutions typically regarded as the key parameter in any policy assessment because institutions incorporate the insights of social, economic, and political factors and thus adverse effect policy outcomes (Anil, 2007). From the outset, strikes the response to the state-centred and conceived beyond high degree of broader norms and practice.


Neo-functionalism allied with the economic and political goals in line with integration strategies, valued supplementary spillover effect into further functionable policy fields. Philippe (2006) claims neo-functionalism is ‘self-mannered avant-garde’ (unorthodox push to enclose in their field) attempt to explicate the alteration processes in an international system dominated by existing nation-states but not universally. Indeed,?part of a larger category of intermediate solutions that highlight the variety of plausible implications rather than the most secure results – instate by Ernst B. Haas. Moreover, the theory finally ascended its domestic cycle, with of subsequent economic union assigning triumph to the integration of the EU political and social institutions submerging agility in the anarchic systems. Thomas (2012) argues, albeit the forecast that European community might inevitably be as engaged in European government like they are in central government, and therefore national sovereignty ultimately succumb to supranational power, indigent come to pass, interconnection inside the European Union remains a likelihood. Neo-functionalism embedded functionalist thoughts in the international cooperation and sovereign state hypothetically shifting specific functions to intergovernmental bodies. The reliance on neo-functionalism invested mere of direction and supervision in order to uplift supranational dynamics. Godowska (2012) emphasize, neo-functionalist theory might?leverage to analyse progress and impasse in several sectors of unification, not only the 'low politics,' however the particularly contentious aspects. The European integration articulate policy areas according to EU level, capitalizing power centralization, and extends horizontal integration. Without a doubt, supranationalism grounded the neofunctionalism concept, generating cooperation embracing nation-state via spillover effect and path-subordination. The scheme of European integration, neo-functionalists prophesied, "advance to the emergence of elites deeply committed to supranational institutions and adopting pan-European norms and beliefs." (Khorto, 2020).


The third theory of regional integration is the intergovernmentalism are necessary to encapsulate surroundings and sovereignty. Balance of power shifts intergovernmentalism reversing national diversity and differences probable to conquer regional power. As theories introduced in the 1960s later developed in the 1990s, untainted political bodies signify the supranational method on decision-making, labelling conjunction on national interests. The inter-state bargain engrossed member state preferences to govern regional tendencies, follows the setting of exclusive-sharing competencies. Intergovernmentalism, owing to?the conceptual interpretations, describes the ideology of European integration as a sort of multinational political union wherein states occupy a greater vital role in selection than supranational concept (Zaharia & Pozneacova, 2020). The EU establish a profounder regime in achieving effective regulator and stand to resolve errors in certain challenging sectors. Intergovernmental negotiation is fostered by asymmetric dependency and disproportionate worldwide allocation of the benefits and costs of integration (Schimmelfenning, 2018). The states who have been devastated the stiffest through the disaster and be disposed to earn more from union or loss the most from fragmentation are in a vulnerable bargaining position and are particularly prepared to find common ground. EU intergovernmentalism description permits from European communities’ springs superiority position in the supranational entities. Entrusting the right, the conventional legislative stratagem contained in Article 294 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). European Commission tandem carries out the exclusive obligation for propositioning novel legislation of EU policy-making assessing political and administration components leading collective issues; comprising of political relations, economic development, sustainability of confrontation, and others factors in contour. This regard, relations between state governments at the supranational levels, capable to confine into one authorized personality and national agendas occur superior impact to EU policy courses.

Endurance for the European Union in Times of Disaster

Geopolitical crisis forefront EU role in international affairs in addressing decisive stake of challenges and scenario transformed substantially over the time.?


EUs reached its height and receiving unforeseen upturn in pandemic phenomenon. The European governance acclimatizing to the COVID-19 disaster overhauled common effort in further symmetrical approaches and provision. The pandemic induced the union to endure health and risks vigilance procedure action and revisiting mature steadfastness. The recovery of COVID-19 feasible in unity and robust coordination at various levels of government are required to combat urgent and long-term consequences, permacrisis of this disaster. EU swiftness signalling indicator of the development of supranational contemplate on health vaccine policies. This resurgence encapsulates European fortitude, made possible by the creation of a European public perception and embraced by people' common assumption that solutions to issues should be created at the European level (Joannin, 2021).


Economic integration fuelled dependable opportunities and challenges array sovereign debt crisis. Financial meltdown in 2009-2012 resulted in substantial improvements to the supranational financial infrastructure. The EU currently boasts a variety of disaster management structures in the zone, notably the Integrated Political Crisis Response Operation (IPCRO) and the EU Civil Protection Model. Such report showed from European Commission (2022), the obstacles that young people confront are deduced by their degree of socioeconomic and educational status. Over and above, Russia-Ukraine warped upsurge in commodities rates, combined with supply shocks, could drive inflation and reduce consumer wealth and business profitability (IMF, 2022).

Security and Defence

The obstacles stand-out nerve-wracking scenario with geostrategic rivalry and diffidence further straining the status-quo. In security and defence substances, new-fangled instrument of military stirred outpace intergovernmentalism. European defence turn to fabricate solid integration process as cultivate strategizing self-sufficiency internally and externally. The EU prevalently administers six military deployments and operations on land and water in order to produce a protected and efficient situation, suppress piracy, and dismantle trafficking groups (EEAS, 2018). Multifaceted security challenges covered the interests of member states in part to correspond responsibility with higher level of work ambition.?Besides, the dimension of security in Europe, NATO appears the idyllic model and essential partner to EU. Threats and challenges befall at South and Eastern Europe encountered the communal principles.

Political Mayhem

Distress in Europe uproar the democracy and rule of law that raging the political environment. The economic predicament combines with explosive political forcefulness commanded to disturbance in the European community. Tahir (2022) highpoint, the first female Italian Prime Minister got elected, Giorgia Meloni, with such a demeanour imbued by radical nationalism sentiments, an anti-immigrant rhetoric, and a stinging touch of Europe's racial politics. In particular, Europe scepticism infused the far-right ideologies in influencing conservatives’ community with fascistic fixture. The anxieties touching European governmental elections does surprised and exaggerated filled by election preferences. The incursion of Ukraine in last year, Bulgarian partisanship had?thrown into turmoil, predisposing in a spate of re-elections related to inadequacies to construct functional cabinets. The genesis of this upheaval was Boykos Borissov, Prime Minister mobster associated?to fraud allegations (Nakai, 2022).


Geopolitical shockwave layered the United Kingdom (UK) caricature in handling state domestic issues, likewise unexperienced failure of economic status and the rise of inflation. The EU monitor closely to the UK upheavals as experienced a deep undesirable effect on national forfeiture in the international trade and business. The information presented hither demonstrates the true cost of Brexit, namely the UK's overall productivity as an international trader. Researchers for Business Property (2022), concludes the significant reduction of UK trading volume, along with a rise in the confinement of export earnings to limited goods, inevitably raises long-term fears for the UK's forthcoming exporting and profitability. These issue upscaled feeble spots of European integration and cross-cutting securitization beneath unilateral idiosyncrasy. At the disbursement of liberalism, Europe could disgrace alternative terror of migration.

European Foreign Policy Complications

International Setbacks

The EU propel an advance incumbency which determine to correspond firm conflicts and issues. Europe thrust on foreign policy emphasis lineaments in preserving peace, international cooperation, the rule of law and reinforce international security. Stefan (2022) contended that decision-making based on consensus amongst 28 myriad countries is a recognisable barrier that frequently results in postponement and,?obstructions. Furthermore, the incomparable assemblage of external services by stand-in reasonable solution and decisive action against the Russia-Ukraine conflict unlikely to be in remarkable contour (representation).

In the meantime, EU appears in midpoint where the presidency of the Council of the EU hold by French on 1st January stimulate exaggeration and spin-off under the reality of tangible foreign policy triumphs. Shahin (2022) proves out obstruse vision for Emmanuel Macron technique to the EU is self-conscience and misconstrued as Napoleonic bid to reframe France in European regime, enchanting visible enthusiasm in defence and external policies. Undoubtedly, Macron's grandiose aspiration for a free autonomous Europe is thought to be a desire by a disintegrating power to utilise Europe's scale and power to uphold its scarcity extraneous policy leverage.

The EU rollout impediments on high-hope nature, based on soft power and international obedience. Normative power resembles disorder of EU foreign policy rally its boundary gauge ambiguous heavyweight. David (2019) implies EU external policy is primarily disturbed with propagating the EU's internal representation to the global, conspicuously its close state region. Entails constructing regional and worldwide political institutions in the belief of its self-constituent tenets of multilateral legal system, open-economy and democratic statute.

International Affairs Isolation

The imminent times of EU grappling micro-factors mismanaged and immobilize inter-state crisis linked to refugees and immigration uncovered radical inadequacies in the construction of intergovernmental systems. European government taunted condemnation within other multinationals and big power entwined isolationist circumvention. These scenarios pointed various conceptions exist underneath European unity, hindering the establishment of a distinct European statesmanship. Transatlantic despairs opposing the Franco-German alliance been constricted, whilst Polish-German alliance has eroded. Correspondingly, Europe internal problems lies within the member state itself boomed into regional upsetting. Tristan (2022) acknowledges Europe is progressively isolating itself from long-standing partners, and leaders are becoming cognisant that the region's economic defence?and integrational politics?are at jeopardy.

European Observer in the International Affairs

The strategic breadth of Europe interrogated its position in the world affairs to maximize diplomatic relations. European integration predominantly focused on foreign policies possessing seductive thus far equivocal parity. The international level disowned Europe as conservative base, continued the global foundation of EU self-domain. As a matter of fact, Europe threat turning a component rather than an actor?in global politics, succumbing to certain party?actions rather than directing and generating developments oneself (Borrell, 2021). Major superpowers including China and Russia strive towards EU principles and objectives. European foreign policy incapable to solidify peculiar security volume, affecting the reliance due on concerning states. Europe might degrade to the status of passive bystander in the arena of important international developments with clear ability.

Results & Discussions

The result of this research explained EU relegate the structures and conduits of integration progress. Adaptation of EU necessary to play its fair game to great rivalry. Geopolitical intensiveness engraves endless threats demand hard-hitting selections as rejoinder to decisive decision-making. The machinery of European bodies such as European External Action Service (EEAS) foreign policy marshal the genesis of long-standing divisions, further streamline the?fragmented institutional architecture, eradicate concurrent organisations, and boost the ability of the primary actors.

Endurance for the EU generates mature operation as a model of regional integration, diffuse to immunity-oriented which foster contemporary multilateralism spatial edifice. In particular, European foreign policies emblem complexities and enigmas sought among elites in re-visiting grounded resolutions. The three theories of integration associated as norm compositors in the international order. In a disputed world, EU intensified in redesigning and hastening series of crisis, aggregate possible initiatives and impediment belong to overall members of the union.?


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