Challenges to Choices
John Stackhouse
Vice President of Wealth Management at Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union
You wonder if the person that owns and operates this stand was ever interviewed before. "How did you start your business?" "Well, sir, life just kinda handed this to me and I made the best of it." If it were just this easy. But then again, maybe it is.
You have a challenge. You seek out someone who can help you address and /or find some solutions for the challenge. You review your choices, and you pick one. Do we ever overthink about a situation? One idea turns into a file cabinet of literature. Your wall turns into a matrix of ideas and possible outcomes as if you are trying to solve a crime. If we do overthink it, do we create a stalemate in picking a solution?
Financial matters are no different when it comes to having more than a few ways to have a plan. A financial professional often will present two or three different ideas with a prudent expectation of meeting your objectives. There will always be different approaches to work toward an objective. If you think about the lemons/lemonade analogy, ours might just have a few different flavors of lemonade to pick from. However, behind the scenes, we may have reviewed dozens of ideas and talked to several partner professionals before sitting down with you to talk about the two or three ideas that may fit best.
The adage using lemons about making the best of a situation over struggling over it is some sound advice. When we struggle and avoid our way toward a task because it has too many components, steps, or changes, it may turn into a challenge after all. Making a mountain out of a mole hill, if we want to stay in classic lines. You never have to come in to talk with us under the expectation we are going to re-plan out your entire financial life. It may only be one or two issues you want to talk about and address. We would enjoy helping you plan for your financial future even if it is just one lemon at a time.