Challenges of Blogging: 10 Tips to Blast through Resistance
(Updated 10–23–2022)
Do you feel challenged now?
You’re not alone.
Every blogger faces challenges during their careers.
Keep a few ideas in mind as you proceed.
Facing resistance is a normal part of the blogging process. Never believe that you are unique in encountering blogging obstacles.
Guidance awaits humble bloggers who ask for help. Put your ego to the side. Ask a seasoned professional how to solve problems you seem to face repeatedly. Pros know what you do not know. Access their experience to improve your experience.
Gliding through resistance is one form of tuition all bloggers eventually pay. Accept this truth. Everyone faces obstacles. No blogger is a pure natural who easily drives traffic and profits from day one of their blogging career.
Do not put your head in the sand. Do not ignore obstacles or else these forms of resistance grow into wicked mental blocks. For example, observe how many bloggers struggle to drive traffic for suffering from writer’s block. Writer’s block is an idea in your mind and nothing else. But resisting the mental block and pretending that you have no traffic problem makes the block and struggle worse.
Embrace challenges as necessary steps on your blogging path. Evolve through these stepping stones. Lessons you learn through these experiences position you to become a full time blogger. Skills you develop in overcoming challenges benefit you and your readers.
Edging through resistance creates peace of mind, too. Nudging through obstacles makes for a more pleasing blogging journey. Clear-thinking bloggers accelerate their online success since they mentally see how obstacles arise and fade away in the mind.
Follow these tips to ease through blogging challenges.
Spotlight Fellow?Bloggers
Feeling stuck? Shine the light on fellow bloggers. Doing so accelerates your outreach campaign, builds your friend network and of course, boosts your traffic and sales, as when you spotlight friends, many spotlight you.
Now, the “ I scratch your back IF you scratch mine “ approach is NOT the way to go. We spotlight people, then let go. Help and cut the strings of expectation to do this effectively.
Shine the spotlight on other bloggers to energize yourself. Giving fellow bloggers attention feels good. Feeling good lets you see through the obstacle you created in your mind.
Blogging works well as a team sport. Befriend bloggers to make blogging a team sport. Shine the spotlight on them to make friends. Be generouse. Offer your blog to other bloggers. Give them exposure. Drive traffic to their blog. Grow their business.
Conquer obstacles with the help of your blogger friend network.
Get Back to?Nature
Step outside. Get back to nature. Visit:
Spend time in nature for at least 30 minutes. Soak up perfection. Reframe challenges by immersing yourself in peace and harmony.
Nature offers you a stable vibe. Feeling stabilized instantly clears your mind of obstacle-fueling fears.
Spend ample time outside. Enjoy nature daily. Ease through any blogging challenge using this organic approach.
Being in nature reveals precision, perfection and flat out, what is. Being in the moment in natural settings often fosters a deluge of creative ideas designed to let you hop scotch over blogging obstacles.
Why are you blogging? Revisit your why to exit the doldrums.
Tie your reason why to being free. Intending to be free overcomes fears fueling all blogging challenges. Blog for freedom to see through the fear that makes obstacles seem intimidating.
Trend away from picking money or outcomes drivers. Both tend to create resistance for seeking anything outside of your mind creates feelings of lack, limitation and internal chaos.
Blog your passion. Pick a reason freeing to you. Allow that emotion to guide you through any obstacle surfacing from your blogging campaign.
The reason why you blog always reveals your desire to quit or to keep going. Desire fun and freedom to keep going and growing through resistance. Desire money and fame to quit sooner than later when money and fame does not arrive quickly; it never does.
Exercise to ease through the blogging doldrums.
Exercising daily raises your energy above any malaise appearing to hold you back. Moving vigorously increases circulation within your being; increasing the flow of energy helps dissolve writer’s block and other mental maladies.
Walk, run or jog for 30 minutes a day, 5 to 6 days per week. Hit the gym. Do pushups, or sit ups. MOVE! Beat the doldrums.
I move around briskly for 60–90 minutes daily to feel good, to be happy and to bolster my blogging campaign. Being prolific tends to root itself in some form of circulation. Exercising is a simple way to circulate energy in your being.
Travel to knife through blogging challenges. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable to develop the habit of solving problems quickly.
Traveling promotes:
For example, during a recent 5 month trip through Panama I learned much of Central American culture in this small country linking North America and South America. Observing a different way of thinking, feeling and acting helped me optimize my blogging campaign.
Travel to open your eyes. Circle the globe or simply see more of your home region to see the world through an expanded awareness. Opening your eyes to a new way of thinking proves to be invaluable in solving blogging problems. Blogging issues persist because bloggers cannot see outside of their narrow viewpoint. Traveling widens your viewpoint for fresh, new perspectives. As a rule, problem-solvers adopt new ways to see things quickly.
A change of scenery puts you into a higher vibration. That higher vibe accelerates your blogging growth. Bye Bye resistance.
Hit the road. Travel to adopt a different perspective on life and to leave your comfort zone. Both empower you as a blogger. Empowered bloggers knife through resistance.
Connect with Influencers
Bond with influential bloggers.
Learn from the best how to overcome blogging resistance.
Pros know what it feels like to face challenges on a consistent basis. Every professional became a pro based on overcoming blogging obstacles. Seasoned veterans generously teach willing aspiring bloggers how to solve common blogging problems. Bonding with these leaders gives you:
to knife through any blogging challenge because for every obstacle you face a 10 year pro faced 100 more uncomfortable situations.
Practical Tips
Observe as blogging friendships materialize organically. Allow pros to trust you by expressing a genuine interest in these individuals.
Learn from leaders to overcome any form of blogging resistance.
High level bloggers inspire you through their example. Seeing success in action goads you to do the things calmly, patiently and peacefully which accelerate your blogging success.
Sit, sit and sit some more. Meditating expands your awareness. After meditating, you can see your thoughts and feelings more clearly.
Imagine yourself watching a movie. Meditating is similar to sitting in the movie theater of your mind to watch thought/feeling-movies flashing on the screen. Instead of getting caught up in the movie you simply observe the flick from scene to scene. Persistent meditators do not get caught up in fear-filled thoughts and feelings fueling blogging obstacles. Observing and letting go fear-thoughts and fear-feelings lets this crowd see solutions to any blogging difficulties.
I meditate for 10 minutes each morning. Doing so has helped me spot the mental blocks ( I have no time to post, I have no ideas, I have no connections, I am stuck, I need money, I need this blog to make me money) that I clung to to release the energies and proceed toward solutions for these problems.
Release What You Cling?to
What do you cling to mentally?
Money? Readers? Facebook Fans? Traffic?
If you’re stuck in the blogging doldrums you’re grasping at something. You’re attached to some outcome.
Attaching to outcomes retards your blogging growth.
Imagine a plane flying around in a holding pattern. After 10 minutes of circling an airport you feel prepared to Halo-drop to disembark the plane.
I know the feeling well as a 10 year world traveler.
On our first “around the world” flight back home Kelli and I were stuck in a holding pattern above New York JFK. Seven other planes queued up before we could land. After 14 hours on the plane we were prepared to sky dive to hit sweet ground.
When you’re attached to some blogging outcome like profiting or being popular you cease progress and create obstacles. Choosing progress by holding inner freeing drivers creates opportunities. Choosing to stand still by holding outer ego drivers creates obstacles.
Identify the ego-outcome you cling to. Money and popularity are common outcomes ego craves. Let go the outer drivers. Seek an inner intent to be:
Coast through challenges by letting go attachments forming the challenges.
For example, a few moments ago someone messaged me asking for a way to set up a Paypal account in a country banning Paypal. I shared 10 plus solutions to his problem with him. However, he was so attached to the problem of not having a Paypal account that he ignored the 10 plus solutions to his problem. He could have conquered the challenge in 5 minutes before moving on. But the ego created the:
and let it persist by attaching to a single problem and not letting go the problem.
If he let go the attachment to one problem he could have solved his problem in 5 minutes.
Doesn’t it make sense to solve blogging problems now versus clinging to the problems?
Work Intelligently Not?Hard
Work intelligently to see solutions amidst blogging obstacles.
Working hard sustains challenges. Force negates. Force is fear. Fear fuels obstacles.
Take a deep breath. Learn the art of using intelligence to plan effective solutions to any blogging problem. For example, every blog traffic problem roots itself in resistance to being generous. In some way, shape or form, intelligently planning efficient ways to increase your generosity boosts blog traffic.
Work smart, not hard. Relax. Ease through challenges.
Admittedly, I am still learning this lesson although I can officially place “learning the hard way” in my rear view window. Fear rears its head in hard, forced work. Facing, feeling and releasing fear lets you organically blog intelligently.
Be smart.
Conquer fear.
Blog intelligently to increase your success.
Don’t Buy in to the?Illusion
Change is the one constant in the world. Everything is in flux. Being stuck is an illusion.
Knowing this, you can’t REALLY get stuck in the blogging doldrums. You’re always growing. You’re always moving forward even if this does not appear to be the case.
Growth, expansion and freedom are truths. Going backwards or feeling stuck are not realities even if the ego pines, begs and shrieks for you to believe these insane states of mind.
Detach from outcomes. Be present. Be in the now, by breathing deeply. Relax. Bring yourself back to the instant. Be here and now to ground yourself in reality. Position yourself to succeed by seeing things clearly. Blogging gets easier in the now.
Help people. Spotlight bloggers. Connect with leaders. Connect with your commentors and audience and let go any need to make money or to *get* readers.
Move from the illusion of lack and being stuck toward the truth of abundance and perpetual growth.
Overcome all blogging challenges by looking within.
Everything in life begins and ends in mind. Refrain from giving your unlimited inner power to the illusion of challenges appearing to be outside of you. How you see the world and its experiences reflects your mind back to you.
Physical action plays a role in the obstacle-solving equation but going within facilitates the process.
Originally published at on October 23, 2022.