Challenges in Batch Gradient Descent: A Deep Dive into Validation Errors
Juan Carlos Olamendy Turruellas
Building & Telling Stories about AI/ML Systems | Software Engineer | AI/ML | Cloud Architect | Entrepreneur
In the realm of machine learning, training models using Batch Gradient Descent is a common practice.
However, it’s not without its challenges.
One such challenge that you might encounter is the consistent increase in validation error throughout the epochs.
But don't worry! I've been there before.
Let’s dive into this issue and explore strategic solutions to navigate through this obstacle.
?? 1. The Learning Rate Conundrum
?? 2. The Overfitting Dilemma
?? 3. Validation Set Representation
?? 4. Architectural Considerations
?? 5. Navigating Through Noisy Data
?? 6. Adaptive Learning Rate Adventures
?? 7. Batch Size Balancing
? 8. The Early Stopping Strategy
?? 9. Normalization Nuances
Embarking on a journey to mitigate the rising validation errors requires a blend of strategic tweaking and thoughtful experimentation.
It’s about embracing a holistic approach, fine-tuning hyperparameters, reimagining model architecture, and ensuring the sanctity of data preprocessing and splitting.
Armed with these strategies, you are well-equipped to steer your model towards success!
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