The challenges are all within yourself
Richard van der Spuy
I help frustrated & conflicted people, suffering from a lack of self-worth despite achieving success - get aligned and empowered with what truly matters.
Sometimes the most difficult thing to accept
Is that a specific problem you’re having is one of your own perception
It appears so obvious that something is wrong with the world or with that other person or situation
But everything you experience comes first through your senses and is then predicted by your brain to mean something
That prediction draws upon all of your past experiences and the meaning you assigned to those experiences
Thing is, your meanings may not be a correct reflection of the outer reality
It’s how misunderstandings happen
When we assume what another person meant or what emotion they felt
Our assumptions are based on our own unique map of reality
And can be entirely different to that of others
Especially when it comes to people of different cultures
This can create a lot of conflict
That could so easily be avoided
If only the focus was to understand instead of assume
So the only real challenge is to shift your focus
This is powerful in every context of life
Not just relationships
Because it opens a possibility for learning instead of hitting a wall
And as you learn more, your predictions get more accurate
More accuracy means easier and more effective navigation of life's challenges
It also means better, healthier relationships?
The quality of your life will be determined by three things:
1?? What you focus on
2?? The stories you get lost in
3?? And what you do with your body
All of these determine how you feel at any given time
And how you feel is the lens through which you experience everything
If you feel terrible, that’s how the world will look
Feeling great will reveal more fun and possibilities
3 powerful ways to tune this lens:
?? Focus on what you WANT not on what you don’t want (create beautiful, exciting goals)
?? Let go of stories that tell you why life should be like closing your hand in a car door over and over and choose to make new stories that are filled with meaning and purpose. (the story is always yours, you can do whatever you want with it)
?? Move your body regularly (go for a walk, run, or swim), especially when you’re stuck in a shitty emotional state, and feed your body good things.
Most challenges can be solved
When viewed from the right mindset.
When you’re ready I have two ways to help you on the journey of transformation to reduce stress and make the most of your life.
Find out how well-aligned you are with your current career with my free Career Health Audit. Find it in my profile at Richard van der Spuy
Chat with me about the 8-week transformational course I’m offering: “Path To Purpose: Cracking the Blueprint of Your Life” where I help you get clear on what matters most to you and what type of career (or aspects of your existing career) will give you the most meaning, purpose and joy in your life. Combined with that you will also learn (and apply) how to gain control of your negative judgments and consistently transform them into uplifting perspectives and actions. Sound good? Message me at Richard van der Spuy and let's find a time to talk.