The challenge when you have to deal with fear and assumptions
Photo Taha Jawashi/Migrant in Libya during a break of this work

The challenge when you have to deal with fear and assumptions

Here you can find an article I recognize. However I don't agree with the words of MsF. I really do not agree with their approach and name it slander to be honest. Their goal is good; helping people. Only their communication: NO. However I know there are many difference between all detention center, I only also know, including by personal experience during my 17 days of jail in Libya that the men really try to do the best. This doesn't mean all is going right. Only I also know already in the last couple of years things become improved and knowing the circumstance I can only admire them for this. Btw I also hear many amazing great stories of guards of helping the migrants by own money. For this I always find it hard to hear only the bad side (without background or fact checking information)

Many money is going around. All for 'helping' Libya. Meanwhile nothing is going into Libya. Hundreds of millions, for years I try to connect with several organizations and also governments. Probably they like me to be far away. From Libya btw and not in Libya, being there and saying it is ok and actually great to be there is not connecting for what they are saying. Now I will know for sure they will not answer anymore, but ok. Now they even have a real reason ;)

I had some conversations in the past. To be honest they were actually there to assure me that I can ask, but I will never get to work with or for them (I traveled 5 hours for a conversation of 10 minutes). Meanwhile I heard that they also had no clue how to respond at the Libyan development. Meanwhile I had ideas, but yeahhh why try to listen?? Listen to the Libyans? To me???

My knowledge of development, change, people, diversity, Libya, etc seems to be worthless. For years I talk about the difference, the assumptions. For years I try to understand why they build all the programs outside Libya. Why? Do they still not know that Libyans are one of the most protective people in the world. Ok, there are some individuals, but all others will do EVERYTHING for each other. Only not only for them self but for sure also and maybe above them-self for others. For foreigners, for women, for children.

I know my trust in the Libyans is based at evidence. I know also the other side, but I trust them and know they will do all they can to help me and others when a person is in need. I know their heart is amazing great. I also know they are also amazing stubborn. I also know they know their challenges, but I also know they find it hard to go for it.

I keep going on with all what I can do (including going back to Libya). Financial support for this isn't there. I try to get funding for the programs, for the training, actually for many things ... I even not get an answer. Even though I had always during my work the best results (above expectation managers saying during evaluations), the feedback I get from Libyans, for now it seems I have to do it without money and by the help of the Libyan volunteers. I know I'm at the right track. However it is not easy (far from), I also know the world will be surprised in the future. Knowing and seeing the real Libya, real Libyans. Only before this: "Please Libyans, try to believe in yourself, try to trust yourself and the others around you. I name you examples and you know I am right. Try to remind yourself for this. Make a mantra of this and not only know it, but also believe in it. I already do, now it's your turn to do the same"

Article: European priorities, Libyan realities


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