The Challenge Of Standing Your Ground

The Challenge Of Standing Your Ground

I was recently invited to go with a business acquaintance to see a movie that he claimed was a faith-based Christmas film.? It was based on one of his favorite books.? It was one that he had read as a child and one that his children have read.? The movie had been getting some good press, so I thought that I would go with him.? However, the more he talked about the movie the less it fit with my definition of a film that aligned with my faith.

The movie contained vulgar language… from children no less.? The person behind the film has a dubious reputation for twisting Biblical accounts to suit narratives for his creative projects.? While not a professing member of the LDS faith, he tends to incorporate their beliefs into films targeted at Protestants and Catholics especially those that supposed come straight from their Bible.

I was caught between a rock and hard place.? I needed to politely extricate myself from this situation without compromising my beliefs, but also being sensitive to someone who could affect my financial future.

I began by politely declining his invitation after previously accepting it.? I told him that some things about the film did not set right with me.? When he pushed me further, I laid out my case similarly to my second paragraph.

He pushed back and I could tell that he was getting upset.? He was taking my reconsideration of his offer as a personal offense.? He was insulted that I seemed to be questioning his faith and not only his parenting, but that of his own parents.

The last thing that I wanted to do was hurt him.? I valued him as a friend above all else.? I was not judging him.? I have watched plenty of movies and television shows with less than stellar language.? I wished that they did not contain it, and I actively try to avoid them.? However, a movie that purports to a family-friendly Christian film has no place for foul language.

Oddly enough, my aunt and I trade television show recommendations.? She will sometimes recommend shows that are a little too dark for me and I will sometimes recommend shows with language that she does not like.? Neither one of us thinks less of the other, although I do find it a little odd that she and her pastor husband would tolerate blood, guts, and gore, but draw the line at harsh language.

Ultimately, I had to stand my ground with my business acquaintance.? The temperature has dropped, but I do not know if it will hurt my chances of working with him in the future.? That is a cost that I will take.

It may seem like a strange place to take a stand, but it is a line that I am not willing to cross.? As I stated, I do not understand why my aunt and uncle draw their line where they do, but I do respect their decision.? Plus, I would much rather discuss faith-based films and television with her than anything else.? The conversations are so much more engaging.

People are not always going to understand your motives.? They will not always agree with your motives or your actions.? It is okay to take stock of your beliefs and see if there is any conflict.? It is fine to take stands that others may not and that they may actually question.? But if it comes from a place of integrity and purpose then it is your stand to take.

Establishing hard lines and refusing to compromise on them and the principles behind them makes for someone to change the times.? Just be prepared for the consequences that follow.?
