Challenge @OD Values

Challenge @OD Values

The OD values, the pillars of my practice system which will lay foundation for my journey as a OD consultant. Its being so critical to choose from the complete plethora of value system, a struggle within self.

Yes!! There could be a challenge @ practice front, the key is to identify one and became self aware to be a better player.

 Although being self as instrument who is catalyst of change for organization development, the specific OD value most challenging in my transformation- Transfer of my learning to the client and their process. The OD practitioners engage in personal and professional development through lifelong learning and I see this value challenging because of  following reasons:

  • As a OD consultant, I might became bias to specific set framework or model, this could lead to complete failure to my intervention. Every situation at organization world will require a different glare and perception as every organization is very different at structure, culture, climate and people. What works with one client, may not work with another. This is also called single tool syndrome.
  • The process of learn, unlearn and relearn- the business environment is continuously undergoing change at a fast pace, and there is high portability to perceive situation with current mental map. One has to unlearn the old concepts and relearn the new ones. When one resist learning, unlearning and relearning, the options available to an individual can narrow greatly. It is all about let go- the methods, communication, design, target markets, skills or knowledge and wear a new frame. Adapting to new orientation, take risk, accept and navigate through surface situation.
  • Working outside One’s Areas of Expertise-  the field of OD is very large, and no one can be competent to work in every aspect of the field. Where this gets to be a dilemma is that no one is ever really an expert until that person has had a chance to do a particular type of work to develop that expertise. The dilemma stay should I charge  less when I am doing something for the first time and to be clear with the client that I am developing expertise in this particular area; I choose to leave or refer other OD Consultant.


The insider knowledge of one organization could lead to conflict as and when we work with a competitor brand of specific industry. One has to be very cautious in this scenario.

  • ·Failure of transfer of skill from the consultant. At this juncture it becomes important to set the feedback mechanism right, how the learnt skill by an individual would be applied at work scenario post mini-coaching session (part of process).


  Conflict of my learnt and practices values with that of organization business values.


Conflict of interest while working with partner consultant as we may belong to different school of thought.


The journey of growth is never ending process, new situation, new challenge- accelerates the growth.

The question remains how to move ahead from the current scenario, and the answer is-

1.    Practice self awareness.

2.    Setting the new perception frame.

3.    Taking responsibilities of self action.

4.    Responsibility for Professional Development and Competence

5.    Responsibility to Clients and Significant Others

6.    Responsibility to the Profession

7.    Social Responsibility.

About the author:

Maheshwari Jani is Corporate Facilitator and NLP Business Coach.

Curious learner and researcher -OD. This blog reflection of my learning and yet more to come.

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