The Challenge of an Honest Review
As a book reviewer, sometimes for magazines, finding a flattering way to describe a book can make me hesitate. I do adore all genres of books and learn from each so can always find something positive to say, even if it is not a favourite of mine, while I still ensure I remain honest.
If I am reading by choice, unless it's one I know the author of, if I am struggling to get it by chapter three I now give myself permission to move on. Most times I will shelve it and have it moved to the bottom of my to be read pile, which is pretty large, others I ensure to get through to find the treasures. There are always treasures.
So yes, if I finish the book I will review it, to give balance and authenticity in my review. I will ensure to give feedback on ways I think the book can be improved, in hopes of helping the author grow as I know I would appreciate a detailed constructive feedback instead of just a gloss over of what my opinion is.
As long as it's balanced, and not simply leave a review of "it's bad", I think it's a worthwhile endeavour more of us can challenge ourselves to do.
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Butland