Challenge beliefs and embrace new perspectives
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
Have you been in a situation where your beliefs about someone or something changed over time? How many times have you been proven wrong because you did not have the complete information?
In life, everything happens for a reason. Even the understanding of “right” or “wrong” change over time. When some action or behaviour doesn't align with our value system, we judge unconsciously, put a label, and a belief is formed. Once a label is set, everything after, filters through new beliefs. If it's a negative belief, any negative event rei forces that belief and we become even more convinced. Our emotions take over, and our ability to think differently becomes a huge challenge.
Questioning our beliefs and trying to understand the other person’s perspective is very difficult when we have already made up our mind. However, like two sides to a coin, we must remember that there is always a different perspective that we have not understood yet.
The question, “what if we’re wrong?” can help us start taking charge of our life. When we question ourselves, we take responsibility towards making changes and becoming more resilient. When we start challenging our status quo, we can learn and grow faster than everyone else. There will always be known unknowns and unknown unknowns in our life and we have to get comfortable with that aspect.
Some actions you can take
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