A restaurant brand starts with 100% of projected sales. The successful brands are the ones that keep the lionshare of sales by not screwing up. And that ain't so easy because the list of moving parts are many... starting with the strategic decision-making that happens prior to the front door even opening. All the guesswork that goes on in even the biggest companies. And the questions that brands still do not have answers to.
They don't... but we do. Any of these ring a bell:
- What is the 90-day residual value of a new guest after the campaign is over?
- Is my recent LTO driving incremental visits, or is it just cannibalizing the existing menu? And if it is cannibalizing, does it have a positive or negative profit impact?
- How did the recent campaign change the behavioral patterns towards menu choices of current guests?
- How can I know which menu items drive customers away versus drive their affinity to my brand?
- Are the new guests that marketing has attracted spending more or less than my current ones? What about frequency?
- If a guest tried a new menu item, can I tell if that person ever ordered that same item again?
- What happened across all KPI’s and Sub-KPI’s due to the price increase I took 12 months ago?
- How can I identify what price should be at each location for every item? All based on demand rather than food cost.
- Who is my best server at causing a first-time guest to return??Who is the worst and needs training or removal?
- Can I go back in time to see what the historical impact tells me about an upcoming event? Can this be automated for better sales projections when marketing is scheduled?
- Who is my best salesperson??Not in total sales, but in their ability to upsell the offer? More like a batting average.
- If I am looking at a price change, how much is too much?
- How much impact did weather really have on last week’s sales?
- How can I test in a small number of stores, but generate results that will represent every location in the entire chain?
- If my campaign is successful, will the profit impact be the same at every location? If not, why not?
- Is my Loyalty Program generating loyalty, or just discounting the check?
- What role does frequency play in all this data stuff? Can you connect guest visits to track that? Can I see lifetime value?
This is just a small sample of the kinds of questions we answer at Marketing Vitals via Machine Learning Data Analytics. Some of the most recognizable brands trust our analytics platform. Some for over 7 years. Maybe it's time you do too.
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