Chakra balancing methods & benefits
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
As we regularly go out for a jog, hit the gym, or visit yoga studios, to take care of our bodies. We control our diet as per our fitness goals. We go to a great extent to take care of the physical body. But we often tend to forget about our mind and our spiritual body in this process, which is a crucial part of our existence in this universe. As our body needs healing, our mind and spirit also need healing. Here, we will be getting to know a few things about energy centres (Chakras), why they need to be balanced, and how exactly does it work?
Why do we need chakras to be balanced? Starting from the base, the seven Chakras are named Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and the Crown Chakra. Each Chakra has its properties, and they are in charge of different functionalities in our physical, mental and energy bodies. And hence, to keep these bodies functioning at their best, balancing the Chakras is important. What happens when the Chakras are balanced?
When the Chakras are balanced, it creates a perfect flow of energy, creating an incredible harmony between mind, body, and soul. However, one must understand that balancing all the Chakras is not the goal of spirituality. Instead, it indicates self-realization and mastery over the senses. -When the Root Chakra is balanced, it creates emotional support, a sense of connection, and attachment to the physical world. -When the Sacral Chakra is well balanced, it creates a sense of commitment, creativity, and passion.
-When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, it creates the perfect balance of self-respect and self-compassion within a seeker. -When the Heart Chakra opens up, it creates boundless joy, creativity, compassion, and forgiveness within an individual. -When the Throat Chakra opens up completely, it creates mastery over the communication. One can experience an interrupted flow of words, emotions, and expressions, and a seeker speaks about the truth and nothing else.
-The Third Eye Chakra is considered the most crucial Chakra when it comes to spirituality. It clears the clouds of fear, resentments, confusion, illusions within a seeker. -When the Crown Chakra is balanced, the seeker begins to live in the present moment, with tremendous peace and calming feeling taking over his subconscious.
Even though there is plenty of literature available on chakra balancing, it is highly recommended that one should learn these steps under supervision of a Guru. Everyone has unique spirituality, personality, and experiences. One solution cannot fit all, and therefore it is very important to seek guidance from spiritual experts to get that unique mantra, and Chakra meditation method crafted exclusively for you. And hence, we recommend, you practice these methods mentioned above, under the guidance of an expert.
What happens when the Chakras in the body are imbalanced? There are several emotional and physical side effects of Chakra blockage or imbalance. So let’s take a look at the effects of balance and imbalance of these Chakras one by one.
Being called the base Chakra, Root Chakra blockage creates several physical issues in the legs, tailbone, reproductive glands, and prostate glands. Imbalance in the Root Chakra brings out emotional issues related to basic survival, like food, shelter, and money. Being located two inches below our naval area, Sacral Chakra imbalance is related to the issues concerning the urinary tract, reproductive organs, pelvic and lower back. Stagnant Sacral Chakra creates issues in relationships, hampers creativity and passion.
Most people are familiar with the 7 Main Chakras. Here they are from top to bottom: Crown Chakra (White or Purple) - The crown chakra is referred to as the 7th Chakra. It is associated with universal connection with spirituality, awareness, enlightenment, serenity and bliss. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will be experiencing spiritual alignment and a greater connection to your higher power. You will feel a state of blissful unity with everything around you, experience feelings of peace, joy and serenity. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: feeling lost without a specific path in your life, greed, mental fog, lack of inspiration, lack of empathy, superiority, and lack of inspiration.
Third Eye (Indigo) - The third eye chakra is referred to as the 6th Chakra. It is associated with wisdom, self-reflection, vision of the world, enhanced intuition, logic and creative inspiration. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will be more mindful and be able to live in the present moment. You will be able to open your mind to deeper understandings and utilize more of you innate intuition. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: a lack of concentration, fear of the unknown, disorganization, lack of intuition, inability to self-reflect, disconnection from the universe, judgmental feelings, overly analytical, anxiety, mental fog, feelings of overwhelm, excessive daydreaming, nightmares, or lack of clarity in thoughts.
Throat (Blue) - The throat chakra is referred to as the 5th Chakra. It is associated with integrity, truth, expression, originality and being able to speak your truth. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will have the ability to see the truth and be able to communicate effectively and with conviction. You will be able to “stand up” for what you believe in, be honest with yourself and others, and speak your truth. You will feel more inspired and be able to align your vision with reality. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: inability to speak your truth, inarticulate thoughts, miscommunications, rudeness or speaking hurtful words, gossiping, being argumentative, feelings of insecurity, being introverted, shyness, being overly critical, arrogance, being condescending, and the inability to listen to others.
Heart (Green) - The heart chakra is referred to as the 4th Chakra. It is associated with unconditional love, compassion, connection, forgiveness and respect. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will experience deep bonds with others and have expanded feelings of empathy, compassion and respect. You will have the ability to open your heart to love yourself and others. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: Being critical of yourself and others, lack of empathy, feeling withdrawn, isolation,relationship problems, attachment to things rather than people, inability to forgive, lack of personal boundaries, co-dependent relationships, emotional strains, and the inability to say no.
Solar Plexus (Yellow) - The solar plexus chakra is referred to as the 3rd Chakra. It is associated with identity, personal power, willpower and confidence. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will be your true authentic self and be able to take control of your life. You will feel motivated, focused and self-confident. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: feeling powerless, trying to control everything, lack of confidence, lack of purpose, helplessness, indecision, anger, aggression, stubbornness, overly critical, and being judgmental.
Sacral (Orange) - The sacral chakra is referred to as the 2nd Chakra. It is associated with creativity, emotions, passion, pleasure and sensuality. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will feel joy and live life to its fullest. You will enjoy intimate relationships, embrace change, be passionate, creative and sensual. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: lack of energy, fear of pleasure, lack of creativity, unmotivated, fatigue, lack of desire, insecurity, detachment, frustration, excessive crying, overly dramatic, co-dependent relationships, aggression, anxiety, and addictions.
Root (Red) - The root (base) chakra is referred to as the 1st Chakra. It is associated with security, stability, grounding, physicality, survival and instincts. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will feel grounded, safe and secure. You will feel connected to the physical world and the environment. When out of balance, you may be experiencing the following: unhappiness with your weight or body shape, an “out of control” life, anger, lack of financial security, disorganization, lack of focus, fear, anxiety, restlessness, lack of stamina, greed, impulsiveness and the inability to accept change.
I suffered physical, mental and emotional stress as a child. When this happens the 7 main chakra system attached primarily to the spinal column and which informs the endocrine system become dislocated. Due to this dislocation which looks highly coloured but in an odd formation when I view it the dislocated systems of others, it takes years of earth time to correct itself into alignment. I did not really study the chakra system in full until I was 40. Have been working on my own with conscious awareness and the energy systems of others plant place and people for the last 20 years with some success, so have a little knowledge.
What I say to people is to take responsibility for their own physical and therefore metaphysical health. There are many interpretations of chakra systems, East and West differ. If you are a beginner to understanding this evolutionary consciousness then working on where you think your chakra points are is a very good start. There’s much silliness taught such as opening or closing down chakras. We can calm or stimulate them but we cannot open and close them. It is not wise to attempt.
Also I soon became aware of overstimulation but mediation and refuse to work on one chakra point alone or send psychic healing to anyone I send healing to a person’s whole energy system as it is extremely clever and the energy knows what to do. The body has its own consciousness and it will inform you as to what it needs. Through the process of facilitating healing I have had many good results. Knowledge has helped me become a healthier person and assisted in helping me help others. Cheers!