(Ch 7 of 7) The Success Code! "Outcomes, Growth & Abundance!"
If you've been following along in this series, we've identified the first five steps in The Succeed Code, which is a psychological and spiritual way of experiencing greater peace, happiness and prosperity in life.
Step 1 in The Success Code is to identify the unconscious beliefs (fears) that are blocking your energy and holding you back from encountering a more fulfilling life.
Step 2 is to upgrade your personal beliefs, so you are drawing from a place of inner strength, mental clarity and faith.
Step 3 of "The Success Code" is to discover what emotions you ultimately want to experience more of in life! As the old saying goes, "You have to name it, to claim it!"
Step 4 is to clear the "stuck" energy that holds you back from enjoying abundant confidence, health, wealth and relationships. This is accomplished by going through the "Forgiveness Experience."
Step 5 is to supercharge your peace of mind through stating one of two "extraordinary affirmations" that I shared with you in the last installment.
That brings us to the final two steps in The Success Code, which are...
Step 6: Set Outcomes
Step 7: Act-Adjust-Grow-Repeat
Let's break these final two steps down.
Once we've cleared our emotional filters and created a "Mindset Reset," so we actually feel worthy of experiencing greater prosperity, the next step is to clarify what we want to BE, DO and HAVE.
That's what you'll be doing when setting outcomes. This is different than setting a goal. In my mind, a goal is something that might happen. It's measurable in terms of success or failure.
For example, if I set a goal of getting my taxes ready by April 15th, I will either achieve this goal or I won't.
When I set an outcome, my goal is to personally or professionally (or both) grow through the pursuit of my objective.
If we use the last example of getting taxes done, my outcome would be to ensure I get the IRS satisfied while also retaining as much of the money I earned as possible.
Getting the tax records ready for my accountant by April 15th might be a milestone on the way to that outcome, but it isn't the outcome.
If someone wants to lose ten pounds and they set a goal of losing ten pounds...they will either achieve that goal or not. Yet, this is a short-term result and 99% of people who lose that ten pounds end up gaining it back.
A smarter approach is to think about what the ultimate desire is for attaining your goals. Why would you want to lose ten pounds? What will accomplishing this ultimately do for you?
Will it improve your health or energy? Will you feel more confident because of how you look? Are the poor eating habits causing health problems like headaches or acid reflux?
If you identify your intended outcome, then dropping ten pounds is just one milestone in the journey. The ultimate outcome would be to create a healthier identity and turn health-conscious eating into an unconscious habit.
In other words, your ultimate outcome isn't to lose weight, but to develop a new lifestyle that isn't centered around food. As a result, not only will your health, confidence and energy increase...
...you'll keep the results you get because living this way is who you are now. You've grown into the person who is capable of operating her/his life at a higher quality level.
Once you've established your desired outcome, the final step of The Success Code is to Act-Adjust-Grow-Repeat!
You will not achieve your outcomes without taking consistentaction towards them.
Talking about your outcomes, meditating on them or creating Vision Boards is a waste of time if there is no action to back up the wishful thinking!
If you want to grow corn, but you never take the seeds out of your pocket and plant them in the ground, the corn won't grow. Thus, the first portion of A-A-G-R is Act.
The second portion is Adjust. This means paying attention to the feedback you're getting after putting forth effort to see if it's producing the results you desire. If it is, stay the course. If not, adjust your approach (Grow) and try again (Repeat).
I've been working on a new product offer that helps people quickly eliminate sugar cravings by emotionally recharging their batteries while they sleep at night. I wanted to give people quick results so they'd feel more comfortable using more of my programs.
Prior to this No More Cravings product, I offered several other products, but they did not generate enough interest. Even though these products where extremely effective, they weren't appealing enough for the marketplace.
In the business world, people vote with their wallets. I tried a variety of marketing campaigns trying to launch those other products, yet the feedback (very few sales) let me know it was time to adjust my offering.
My desired outcome was the same however. I wanted to help 10,000 people improve their health, happiness and self-esteem through experiencing sustainable weight loss and erasing medical problems like Type 2 Diabetes.
So I learned from the feedback, that's the Grow part, changed the offer, and launched another campaign. Through this, I continued making changes, tweaking offers, headlines, images, testimonials, stories, etc., until I found a combination that appealed to the majority.
If you put those corn seeds into the ground, you also have to make sure they have plenty of water. Good fertilizer, pesticides, the time of year you plant, where you plant, etc., all come from experience (of mostly getting it wrong at first).
Yet, if you keep trying and growing (learning) along the way, you get better at achieving your outcomes. If you quit because it gets hard, things don't work out, or because of the constant obstacles, you'll never grow into the person you can be.
Thus, you Act, then Adjust, then Grow from the feedback you're receiving...and Repeat the process by Acting once more. The more you know, the more you grow!
The more you grow, the more capable you are of achieving bigger, more sensational goals, outcomes and dreams!
Why do the rich get richer?
Because they have a strong belief that this will be the case, they take intentional, consistent action as a result, they keep correcting and adjusting until the outcome is satisfied and then they do it all over again!
Once you're wealthy, it's not about the money. It's about the growth!
They understand The Success Code, at least from a financial perspective.
Having a lot of money doesn't make you a good spouse or parent. It doesn't mean you'll be in great physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual shape. Nor does it mean you will be happy.
To me, wealthy means having ALL of it! You can be rich, yet also be miserable. I've worked with rich clients who were morbidly obese, had been married three times, and who didn't speak to their kids. That's not wealth to me.
However, that's the great thing about The Success Code. No matter where you're at in life, you can always start fresh right now!
What would you like to enjoy more of? Better health? I always start there because if you don't feel good, nothing else matters that much...
Health, money and relationships... that's what everyone focuses on. After being on this planet for 48 years, I believe it should be spiritual growth, health, relationships and money.
The first three seem to generate a natural abundance of money along with a genuine sense of gratitude for the experiences that come from having more financial prosperity.
After all, if you ask people why they want more money, they'll often say, "Because it would make me happier."
Thus, the ultimate outcome is greater happiness, which means having more money is just a milestone (goal).
OK, you now have all 7 steps in The Success Code. This is an amazing, awe-inspiring process and those who are brave enough to take on this odyssey are forever transformed by it!
Through this journey, your self-awareness, perception of the world and mindset will expand, strengthen and mature. You'll become capable of accomplishing just about anything and you will experience more happiness than ever before!
Remember, this is not a race. It's a journey. Each step is a lesson within itself and none should ever be skipped. As you go through the 7 steps, learn as much as you can about yourself, others and the world around you.
Two lessons that are with me at all times are... "The more you know, the more you grow" and "The more value you bring to others, the more valuable you become."
I'm excited to hear about the lessons that come from yourjourney and I do hope you take a few minutes to share them with me as you learn them.
Finally, in the words of Robert Frost...
"I dared to take the road less traveled, and it has made all the difference!"
Thanks for reading and make today a Shurr Success!
:-) Tim
Tim Shurr, MA
President, Shurr Success, Inc. (timshurr.com)
PS, Want Me To Personally Guide You Through "The Success Code?"
Registration is NOW OPEN for my upcoming online class, "The Path To Emotional Freedom!"
This 6-Week Online Class will help you break free from limiting beliefs from the past, build unshakeable confidence in the present, and start manifesting more prosperity in your future!
I'll be taking a group of like-minded souls through all 7 steps in The Success Code. It's going to be AMAZING!
I will personally lead you through the most powerful prosperity-conditioning experiences I've learned over the last 30 years and provide you with a set of resources for turning your goals and dreams into a reality!
If you feel blocked from getting what you want, hire me as your Success Coach by enrolling in this class and together we will blast through any obstacle and get you UNstuck and into PROSPERITY!
Seating is limited so I can ensure everyone has a personal breakthrough and this will be the final class this spring! Register here...