Chateau de Fougères & Les Miserables
During our first year in France, my husband had the opportunity of an interesting contract in Central Brittany (Bretagne), in Western France. We spent 4 months in this region, a large peninsula with a rocky coastline stretching from Normandy and the Loire valley into the Atlantic Ocean, home of the Celts and with a heritage, culture (including bagpiping) and history shared with other Celtic nations such Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall and the Isle of Man.
The city of Fougères is located near the region’s capital city Rennes, and is situated at the top of a ridge dominating the valley giving a impressive view of the medieval Chateau, located just below the ridge. The Chateau, protected by hills and surrounded by marshes, was identified by the Duchy of Brittany as the perfect spot to defend its lands from the French. So, in the 11th century, the Chateau was built on top of a rocky surface in the middle of a loop in the Nan?on River, giving it a natural defensive moat and a military stronghold over the surrounding area. It is the one of the few surviving medieval fortresses left in Europe and has 13 imposing towers. Read more ...