CFPB wont help me wont investigte fay servicing despite their history
Response by interested party
Leaves much out
Does not address could not any negligent servicing practices that could result in this situation
CFPB has found Fay servicing has not avoided foreclosure proceedings and improperly denies loan modifications. This has yet to be properly investigated. Most of the response by these lawyers who benefit from this situation address what happened in court AFTER it was filed. Response filed by attorney is one sided, leaves out something important WHAT HAPPENED as to loan modification in 2020 before foreclosure was filed? Was it properly denied? Was an affordability analysis conducted? This information has been the subject of previous investigations by CFPB of Fay Servicing.
complaint 24040913894038 bb?
As to their assertion that my previously issued NOE was alleged” Circuit” courts have ruled that any communication asking for information to which they are entitled can be construed as a form compliant with RESPA.
I have made it clear why I represented myself after firing Josh Thomas whose lies and negligence have a big role in where I am today. Boiler plate responses with different facts then the current action under litigation, lying about whether he received modification papers and general incompetence as he is currently suspended in NJ. I have a pro se resume of successful litigation in all courts. I contend none of this should have been litigated brought to litigation to begin with. I ask CFPB to carefully review the improper loan denial. They have an RFI they claim they did not receive they likely will not answer? -I have asked to be contacted as there is much to investigate mimicking their past record of lack of affordability analysis, filing un necessary foreclosures etc.
It is their objective to make it appear this is on me . I signed the agreement properly they asked for money THEN said it was not properly signed. I never refused not to resign it in fact asked for clarity in the amounts they sought AFTER TPP was paid . Never received it
When loan modification applications are evaluated, the servicer reviews financial data about the loan, the property and the borrower. Then, the servicer compares the cash flow the investor will receive through a modification versus a foreclosure. If the investor will be in a better position if the servicer forecloses, then the servicer is not required to modify the loan. This is called the NPV calculation. Under the law, servicers are required to inform the homeowners of the values that they used when calculating the NPVs. If it used incorrect information, the denial can be appealed. Under HAMP, borrowers have 30 days to correct NPV values that are inaccurate. The servicers must then review the data again. 6. Including waivers in the loan modification document
Lawyers who answer for Fay are biased they make money when this happens when modifications are improperly denied as mine was.There was nothing alleged and discovery will so prove. Consistent with their reputation as indicated where consent orders were signed they deny loan modifications improperly. They had more than enough income from me. Chose to deny it lie about asking me about 4700 a month for a modified amount on 9-16 -2020 and despite me having no due process as represented by lawyer who is now suspended and who was not believed by court due to long sanction history, among other hang their hat and present a one sided view on my loss in trial court despite potential appellate issues. Upon request Fay Servicing on behalf of US bank turned down putting payments to the end of the loan or deferral as per State of NJ directive. NJ DOBI will not act and that is being pursued as well as it is under their jurisdiction. In my response i will fill in gaps refute information and explain how this case is worthy of further investigation that can not and should not be consistent solely of a biased lawyer who benefits and makes money from servicers like Fay who fi