After evaluating so many companies complex process expanding reach of the CFO From bean-counter to the boardroom, the role of Chief Financial Officer has gone through some major changes since its inception.
Today, the role of the CFO has become even more elevated, as corporations increasingly rely on the financial and strategic prowess of their most senior financial leader.
Previously CFO s have such a deep understanding of all the organization’s operational units.
The CFO has taken on more strategic planning responsibilities, especially over the last decade. In a recent study, 75% of CFO s reported spending 50% or more of their time on strategic aspects of their business, where 70% of CFO s reported playing a critical role in decision making.
Furthermore, 78% said that business model innovation was a major part of their role as CFO, and 88% said they were responsible for helping select the key metrics linking performance to strategy execution.
With the help of Microsoft power app we have B 360 would help the higher-level management to get acquainted with the ERP data and can also help in their decision-making process. B 360 can read data from any data source type and dashboard can availed on both Web and Mobile application.
Below was some analytics report we provided:
1. Production output unit wise, month/day wise and machinery wise with item category details.
2. Wastage details process wise, unit wise, month/day wise along with machine details
3. Sales Invoices details unit, month/day wise
4. Sales Order loading month wise along with product vertical information