CFO Business Sentiment Index September 2022
Andrew Zezas
Publisher, Host & CEO at CFO Intelligence, Speaker & Real Estate Advisor to CFOs, Management & Boards
The CFO Business Sentiment Index
After taking a beating from rampaging inflation and despite fears of a recession, based on results in the recent issue of the CFO Business Sentiment Index, published by CFO Intelligence, CFO confidence appears to be making a slow recovery. Only 25% of respondents were glum about the national economy in the September Index, a significant drop from the prior period's 56%, and on par with the July Index. They're not exactly jumping for joy, though, with 25% "positive" about prospects for the economy, up a hair from about 22% in the last Index, and still below the 30% "positive" in July. But, executives are more confident when it comes to their own industries, with 71% optimistic about growth, up sharply from 45% upbeat last month.
In the monthly CFO Business Sentiment Index, we identify changes in the perspectives of enterprise and middle market company CFOs and provide timely guidance on important trends in business and in the economy. Take the one-minute?CFO Business Sentiment Survey?once or share your insights each month and be the first to receive the Index and learn what your peers are thinking.??
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