CFD & Turbulence Book Recommendations

CFD & Turbulence Book Recommendations

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My three favourite ones are listed below.

1. Turbulent Flows - Stephen B. Pope

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This is a graduate text on turbulent flows, an important topic in fluid dynamics. It is up-to-date, comprehensive, designed for teaching, and is based on a course taught by the author at Cornell University for a number of years. The book consists of two parts followed by a number of appendices.

Part I provides a general introduction to turbulent flows, how they behave, how they can be described quantitatively, and the fundamental physical processes involved. Part II is concerned with different approaches for modelling or simulating turbulent flows. The necessary mathematical techniques are presented in the appendices. This book is primarily intended as a graduate level text in turbulent flows for engineering students, but it may also be valuable to students in applied mathematics, physics, oceanography and atmospheric sciences, as well as researchers and practising engineers.

2. Computational Fluid Dynamics - John Anderson

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Provides an introduction to CFD at the senior level in aerospace and mechanical engineering, and to chemical and civil engineering. It can also serve as a one-semester introductory course at the beginning graduate level, as a useful precursor to a study of CFD in advanced books.

3. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics - Ferziger & Peric

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In its third revised and extended edition the book offers an overview of the techniques used to solve problems in fluid mechanics on computers. The authors describe in detail the most often used techniques. Included are advanced techniques in computational fluid dynamics, such as direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence. Moreover, a new section deals with grid quality and an extended description of discretization methods has also been included. Common roots and basic principles for many apparently different methods are explained. The book also contains a great deal of practical advice for code developers and users.


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