The "Cesello" and "Rilievo" collections take on new life
Colour and marble in relief.
If I had to summarize what the "Cesello" and "Rilievo" collections are, I would choose these specific words.
- Marble as the canvas used by the painter.
- In relief as the drawing the painter creates on the surface.
- Colour as the last brush stroke artist gives to his painting, making it alive.
The purpose was easy but not simple: creating marble patterns playing not only with the geometries of stone engravings but also with colours, being careful to preserve the delicate balance between the 3d incisions and the coloured stones used.
Even if it wasn't the first time we approached colour - see our kaleidoscopic "Opus" collection -, this time was however a challenge to us.
One of the main questions to answer was: how may 3d textures perform on vivid coloured stones?
What we aimed at was to create textures where colours don't take advantage on patterns but rather further emphasize them.
Indeed, the incisions characterizing Cesello's and Rilievo's textures are very delicate and the risk to disadvantage them by using very bright natural shades was high.
For this reason, we decided not only to introduce new coloured materials but also to further highlight the optical effects and games of chiaroscuro characterizing the patterns.
To do this, we experimented on the module size of the products, discovering how new dimensions would highlight the whole final design as well as the optical effects and the games of chairoscuro.
Eventually, a new range of materials - rosso pastello, giallo reale, verde imperiale, nero marquinia, gris st pierre and bianco thassos - combine with new module sizes for original models where colours and textures blend each other, tracing a fresh and dynamic balance.
3d patterns revealing a personality that plays with both very soft and highly marked effects, for an aesthetic appeal that is vivid but not overpowering, perfect for the different styles and décors of spaces.