Cerulean Engineer Q&A
The role of engineering has many definitions at Cerulean, with over 45 engineers taking on varying roles and responsibilities. To celebrate this year's Engineering week, I sat down with a Cerulean engineer to find out more about their job role and background in engineering.
Q: How long have you been a cerulean engineer?
A: 9.5 years, I started in April 2013.
Q: What area of engineering are you most interested in?
A: Development test/validation as it offers the chance to learn new technologies.
Q: What has been the most challenging project that you've been involved in?
A: I would have to say the five ports as the project was carried out during the lockdown, as only a few of us were in the office I had to take on a lot of new responsibilities such as learning about Beckhoff software, project management, and liaising with the customer’s project team, it was a steep learning curve, and looking back, it was fun but at the time it didn’t feel like it some days.
Q: What checks and balances do you use to make sure that you don’t make mistakes? / What procedures do you use to ensure your work is accurate?
A: We create test protocols based on the customer's specifications to ensure that we do not miss anything. I always check my work and ask a colleague to check it when in doubt. Also, experience plays a large part, and a questioning mind i.e. if something doesn’t look right then it’s probably not.?
I work in Cerulean’s calibration laboratory which requires great attention to detail so checking my work is second nature.
Having said all that, I still make mistakes, the important thing is to spot them and correct them.
Q: Have you developed any new engineering skills over the last year?
A: Yes, I have acquired knowledge it fault-finding Beckhoff software using their in-built oscilloscope, and new methodology in creating specification/test documents?based on?Given-When-Then principles.
I have also attended a UKAS internal auditors’ course, which is not strictly engineering but the skills are transferable.