Pynomavillator Lunga, FMVA?
Analyst - Data Analytics and Reporting | FMVA?| MBA Candidate | Creative | Spoken Word Poet
What are you most worried about for the future?
The future is uncertain, that's an undisputable fact,
Yet, what worries us the most isn't it's Uncertainty but the one certain thing about life : DEATH....
We worry about a lot of things; What if I never get married? What if I never achieve my goals, What if I never conceive? What if the world never get better? What if I remain poor? Where will i get food for tomorrow?How will i survive if i lose my job? Will the sickness, wars, economic & natural disasters ever end? Why can't I find love?
These are but a snippet of the countless worries about the future that congest our daily lives. As diverse as they may appear, they have a common denominator, yea we said it earlier : DEATH. It is because that death is certain, that we worry we will run out of time.....If we lived to time indefinite, nomatter how long it takes, we would rest in the knowledge that there is time for us to live in the future when the future comes...
...But because,?we’re living on limited time, we try to fit the future in the present by constantly worrying. The greatest teacher of all time knew we would fall for this trap, when He said :"none would add a single hour to their life by needlessly worrying." What a pity that even the sparrows know better than us, humans...they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly Father feeds them. Are we not much more valuable than they? (Matt 6:26)
Oh, the question was what am I worried the most about the future? I fear we will never experience the future for what it is because we are constantly trying to fit it in the present in the form of WORRIES.?I hope, we all learn to live in the present, do what we can in the present for the present as well as the future but let the future worry about itself, for enough are the worries of each day!????????? ??Pynomavillator Lunga