Food ... and the Daisy
C M (Karin) Blignaut Ph.D (Pr.Sci.Nat)
Expert researcher & Advisor / Specialist FMCG, Online, Changing Consumerism, Nutrition, Food, Africa
The Case for Food, Beverages & Ingredients
Tax/Health-levy Free…?
In this article, let us start with the Conclusion, just to be different … To be healthy, we basically need
- access to understandable, basic, logical information and training about our bodies and how they function, the food we eat and the effect of the lives we live;
- access to affordable, healthy food, beverages, water;
- access to convenient, ready to eat healthy food;
- access to the buying of nutritious, healthy food;
- access to enduring, innovative healthy soil and farming methods for the growing of healthy food… .
We can only obtain this when there is no tax or levy at all on food, beverages and ingredients.
We actually need much more, such as much better air quality (to curb asthma, lung diseases, metabolic distress and more), a healthy environment in which to live, a sustainable quality of life, and a knowledge of how the body changes from healthy to unhealthy (how the body functions), as I discussed in previous articles that I placed with my profile on LinkedIn.
Are some politicians, the WHO, UN, and every other organization on the planet gasping for breath? Possibly – and it may not be caused by the dirty air they are breathing (‘dirty air’ can even seem clear, not smog-filled). It may be because they are passing off their responsibility to consumers, retailers, manufacturers, farmers, scientists – actually everyone but themselves…. the States, Organizations and Individuals that spend our current taxes on everything except what they undertook to do…Is it ethical to do so?
To interrupt --
Perhaps one more 'need' should actually be added ….
- Farmers and aspiring farmers need access to affordable, available fuel, water and training….
Without productive farms, progressive farmers, healthy soil producing healthy affordable food …. We are lost.
Why are world organizations and governments blaming others when they are failing?
Only they know the answer.
What we do know is that they have now reached a point where even the most ignorant and uniformed among us would say ‘enough’, knowing what lay ahead with regard to chronic diseases.
Why should anyone take a decision for “no taxes”, “no levies”?
Perhaps because of the following…
The proposed Daisy graph that attempts to summarize the main causes of Chronic Disease in our lives
Looking at the image, the main identified factors that play a role in the development of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, cancer, heart- or pulmonary diseases, brain diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome, kidney stones, and all the types of diseases discussed in previous articles (and articles still to come), form the leaves of the Daisy. As the influence of a specific causative factor with all its implied sub-divisions increases, the disease effect will get greater until it is at the outside of the image where non-communicable disease(s) are then completely noticeable and requires treatment. This situation will continue (circling the outside of the graph) until the individual identifies and starts to address the factor(s) that are responsible for the condition.
Not all the factors necessarily apply in the lives of every individual.
In some instances, addressing these factors may result in a reversal or decrease of symptoms (moving to the inner ring of those factors). The greater the effect of a factor, the larger the leaf that represents it. When a factor has no effect on the development of disease in the individual, the leaf will become so small that it will actually fall away.
For example:
In the above images, it is clear that the two individuals have different factors in their lives which influence their chronic- or non-communicable disease (NCD) development (and the specific NCDs from which they suffer). All the factors need not be present to result in Chronic diseases (NCDs).
We are individual beings, undergoing different influences, living different lives in different circumstances.
To regain health again, all the factors that cause the chronic diseases (NCDs) have to be identified and corrected to acceptable levels, then (in some instances) the diseases will regress and health may return (if the destruction has not been too great and the individual’s body has not passed the point of correction).
The final image indicates a balance in the factors that should ideally be reduced as much as possible (all as close as possible to the center circle where they will disappear and not cause NCDs or Metabolic disorders)…. to ensure that health is again attained and maintained.
What is required to regain health?
It is first of all important to determine which of the identified factors influence your life.
In some instances medication or surgery would be required, in others it could be addressed by:
- moving to a pollution-free area (if it exists),
- starting to exercise in moderation,
- eating more proteins from an animal source,
- eliminating real (not imagined) allergens and intolerance from the diet, thus decreasing the use of anti-histamine medication,
- eating a balanced meal (differentiating between a snack and a meal) and
- becoming active (within reason – running ultra-marathons are not required).
When individuals develop cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, mental illness, brain dysfunction, kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, yes, even an ingrown toenail, it does not happen overnight.
There are many possible reasons either in isolation or combination – and the detail of it is apparently unique to each individual.
We develop chronic diseases which are not communicable, mainly because of how our forefathers lived (influencing our genes) or an occurrence in the past of an individual, that did enough damage to cells in specific parts of the body to place the body under constant stress. When this stress is not relieved or corrected, it becomes a chronic condition. When this happens, localized infections or inflammation is the result and this in turn allows unacceptable processes to activate. The outcome of this, is a chronic disease (any one of many).
For example, stated in very broad terms, the following may occur: Genes that cause obesity are activated in the brain after receiving a signal from the intestine due to the microbiome, leptin is released, individuals gain weight – and cannot loose it; the liver is over-stressed, the messenger proteins are depleted, the Pancreas stops releasing insulin and the effect is similar to Type 2 Diabetes where the Isles of Langerhans in the Pancreas (β-cells) stop producing and releasing insulin to manage the glucose in the blood. The liver starts to over-secrete stored glycogen into the bloodstream, the blood glucose levels becomes dangerously high and the human organism requires external intervention to regain a measure of control (not curative) over the situation. This is obtained by medication taken by mouth and/or through injection (insulin).
There are many, many scenarios that can cause enough stress in the body to produce the end-result, namely, different types of chronic disease.
It must be understood that the stress that the body experience is not the same as the stress (psychological) that a human experiences in certain situations (for example at work, when exercising, when in danger and more). This psychological or emotional stress can be addressed by the body through the release of (for example) melatonin and serotonin in the brain or by eating certain foods. This has a calming effect, adrenaline in the body is reduced, breathing is normalized (enough oxygen is absorbed), the individual feels more satisfied and at peace, and may experience a satisfying improvement in the quality of sleep at night. This is why some individuals take a glass of (warm) milk to help them to ‘sleep’. The body requires a level of satisfaction (something in the stomach) and energy to ensure the release of the body’s ‘feel good’ hormones. Milk provides the nutrients in an easily digestible form that does not put strain on the digestive system, while the temperature of the milk is soothing at just about body temperature.
People find it very difficult to sleep when they are hungry.
People find it difficult to live when they cannot afford it.
People cannot afford to live when they are taxed to death by bureaucracy.
The body stress that leads to disease is different. When the balance in the body is disturbed (for example by a virus, bacterium or diet lacking in specific nutrients or components that the body require), the body becomes ‘stressed’ or ‘in distress’. This stress is not necessarily felt by the human organism. Individuals that require insulin for diabetes may know how the body feels when it is in real distress – and it is not a good feeling. When insulin is then injected, the body seems to relax and the ‘stress-emergency’ has passed.
Unfortunately most humans do not recognized the danger signals and do not act on them. When the cause of the body’s distress is not resolved or cannot be corrected by the body, infection and inflammation starts to occur at the place where the effect of the distress is acute and it becomes chronic. When this situation still continues, the result is the development of one or more non-communicable diseases or metabolic disorder. By the time the symptoms are recognized, it requires medical attention where the symptoms are mostly addressed – not the true origins which is in the body, its interactions and human decisions.
What about Neurological disorders. Is it the same as the body being in distress?
In general, Neuro-degenerative diseases seems to be primarily caused by any damage to a brain cell even decades before the onset of Dementia, Alzheimer's- or Parkinson's Disease. This damage creates the weakness where abnormal agglomeration of for example Tau protein occurs, and only then do the symptoms become visible. At that point even medication (currently) can do little but alleviate the symptoms.
There is, however hope in the not too distant future. Cell repair that the body cannot perform, Deep brain corrections, CRISPR and similar gene modification technologies will probably make it possible to remove or replace the problematic or damages genes to reverse the progression of such debilitating diseases. The progress and ‘jumps’ in knowledge and insight from specialists in this field is truly astounding. The determining factor will be whether the politicians making decisions on health issues globally and nationally will approve of these techniques (or some of them) to slow or reverse genetic diseases.
Al of the above does not really help the health fanatics that want us to believe that we can only be healthy when we are miserable and super thin. So we still need to know even more clearly what is responsible for non-communicable or chronic diseases? We need something to blame, to tax, to point too as the ‘thing’ that cursed us.
Is it liquid sugar?
Is it sugar?
So what is the cause?
It could be best be summarized by
It is caused by who we have become, how, with and where we live’…
It is caused by the decisions we make – either voluntarily or influenced by circumstances, other individuals, organizations or laws;
It is caused by many ‘things’, situations, components, lifestyles, who we are as individuals in a specific group or nation or on a specific continent.
It is caused by our socio-economic situation …. How and why we suffer….
Our lives….
How do we stop blaming and start acting?
It is time for us to start listening to what our bodies are trying to tell us. To make decisions with which you are comfortable and to which you can adhere. Understanding what your body is going through at a specific time is key.
It is an individual responsibility ... not a tax or health levy or SARS issue.
For example, with regard to nutrition (only) remembering the Daisy graph ..... it seems to require the following (inter alia)...
Source: #EyeSeeAfrica
- Be aware of the difference between a balanced meal versus a snack(s) (and when they are and should be consumed); do not exclude foods or ingredients (even sugar) or the resultant cravings will become overwhelming and then individuals will think they are ‘addicted to sugar’ – when they are not. In many instances cravings result when a person psychologically feel that they are eating the wrong food, thus leading to an even bigger desire for ‘forbidden’ foods.
- Do not feel guilty or desperate. The worst thing for an obese person, is to develop guilt feelings over obesity. First of all accept who you are. Then decide if that is who you want to be. Identify the issues causing the obesity, start to address them steadily and the body will start to self-correct if possible. It takes time and dedication and most importantly – reduced stress in life and body.
- Also remember that the genes and the brain, intestinal microbiome and liver (with the pancreas) play such an important role. If the wrong gene is switched on at the wrong time, obesity will be the result and no amount of dieting will change it. If the wrong gene is switched on at the wrong time, a craving will result if it is not satisfied to a limited degree (when it persists). Self-control is a very good thing – understanding yourself and your body is better. It is therefore important not to follow every fad diet in the hope that it will assist in or ensure weight-loss.
- Make an appointment with a professional and follow professional, proven 'eating' advice to lose weight sustainably, in a balanced manner – with a balanced diet where ‘everything’ is consumed in moderation.
- Know that not losing weight when you are diligently following professional advice, does not mean that you are weak. It means the problem lies elsewhere in the body (or environment) – especially in the manner in which genes are activated and inactivated. What is required is to determine what the causes or origins are of the condition, then determining if an increase or change in certain nutrients may assist (for example, if it is a lack of Tryptophan, be sure to consume foods that actually contain what the body requires). It is the nutrients that you ingest, their bio-availability and effective absorption in the body where and when required, that is important – also the fact that our food today may not be as nutritious as you imagine it to be. Relocate if you need to do so – it could make the difference to your chronic conditions.
- Nutritional supplements and medication have a role to play when required, but food from nature is indeed more desirable than nutritional supplements (tablets or powders) that may include only some of the components found in the food source (even when it is ‘processed’). Also bear in mind that many basic foodstuffs such as flour, may already be enriched with minerals and vitamins (by law). Taking more and more supplements can actually have the opposite effect on your health than intended.
- With regard to medication, take what is prescribed, as it is prescribed. If other medication is required to address the negative side-effects that are experienced, consult the physician. Take only the medication that is required – remember, everything is stored in the liver and everything ingested has to pass through the intestines, liver and kidneys. It does not matter whether it is alcohol or painkillers, an overdose of Vitamin A or a toxin.
- Stay as healthy as possible with regard to communicable diseases, since viruses and bacterial infections cause injury to cells and genes that may later in life cause the diseases that are currently increasing. Give yourself time to heal … and to slow down, listen, look and, yes,…learn – then decide what to do and execute the plan, to be healthy and happy.
Enough for now?
Sources of information available on request.
Expert researcher & Advisor / Specialist FMCG, Online, Changing Consumerism, Nutrition, Food, Africa
6 年The availability of 'fresh' food and #clean #water is different between #developing #countries and #developed #countries. No #animal- or any other #energy providing products should be removed from any diet and most certainly not even be reduced in developing countries, ever. Too many starving, subsistence, jobless people currently reside there.
Expert researcher & Advisor / Specialist FMCG, Online, Changing Consumerism, Nutrition, Food, Africa
6 年Not all '#processed' food are unhealthy. #Processing extends #shelflife of otherwise 'soon to rot' foods, reduces food #waste and make products #safe to eat (#microbiologically). Processing food is important for our #survival. When speaking of those foods that underwent processing -- they are certainly counted among the '#healthy' food options.... The same applies to #convenience foods -- where some steps (processed) that you would have done at #home, are done in #deli's or #factories to save your time. It also applies to #frozen $products (#vegetables, #fruit, #meat etc.) -- it has basically the same #nutritional value and #nutrients as the fresh product and the values will be the same after #preparation as the prepared, fresh #equivalent.
6 年Dr. Karin You will come to Tanzania and gives just elaboration about health and safety to environment Dr. Karin
6 年Very nice article