CER Activity Report 2020

CER Activity Report 2020

The CER Activity Report provides a handy overview of everything you need to know about CER: who they are, key figures about the sector, their activities in the past year, but also their vision for the future of European mobility. 

The year 2020 will be remembered as the year a global pandemic spread across the world. The Covid crisis came quickly, hitting the rail sector at its heart - the transport of people and goods.

In this challenging year, CER has actively supported its members and the entire sector on many fronts. By coordinating and collecting data for the European Commission, which clearly showed how massively the industry was affected or targeted lobbying for legal measures, reducing the severe economic impacts of the crisis.

CER is known as the voice of European railways. Its role is to represent the interests of its members by actively providing input to EU policy, in particular, to support an improved business and regulatory environment for European railway undertakings and infrastructure managers.

The Communication Agency, inextremis.be is glad to have participated in the development of the CER report 2020.

The result is a comprehensive publication made within a genuine creative dialogue involving the CER communication team and the Belgian communication agency's creative unit.

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