A CEOs Career Advice to His Daughter
Soliant's CEO, David Alexander, has some career advice for those graduating college:
This year, Soliant will welcome more than 200 recent graduates and interns to our team and the country’s workforce. More than four million people will graduate from colleges and universities this year in the United States.
When my daughter Anna graduated from the University of Georgia last year and subsequently found her first job, I gave her seven pieces of advice which I want to share with every new grad looking to snowball their career.
1. Constantly ask two questions: How Can I help? What else can I be doing?
2. Go in the office everyday – early. Learning and relationships emerge spontaneously. The smarts, connections, and muscles you build now will carry you through your career regardless of your profession.
3. Dress better than you think you need to -people notice and it matters.
4. Read about your industry and the skills you need to compete. School is fantastic, but this is the time where the learning starts.
5. Be optimistic. Always.
6. Your age isn’t a limiting factor. Be a contributor early and people will see a pronounced trendline for your career.
7. Be loyal. Someone gave you an opportunity early when all you brought to the table was potential. Don’t start job hopping in your career for a few bucks -experience is more important than money right now. As Warren Buffet said, “Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill.”
Finally, operate by the?CODE?-?Curious,?Optimistic,?Dependable,?Engaged.?Good luck to all the new grads.