CEO's Blog - 11th June 2023
A Change in Direction...
Bit of a pivot for my Blog this fortnight.?After a year of sharing my thoughts through the Personnel Group’s media, I’ve opted to move this over to my own socials and to write slightly more personal, individually motivated content.
?With an expanding suite of services to offer our customers, it is important that the Personnel Group tell those stories, not just share my lowly mumblings. We have so much more exciting stuff going on at present…
?Having said that, I’ve had much feedback along the way that other leaders, people in business, and my team, value my reflections as honest and real insights on purpose, strategy, direction, and leadership.?So that will continue.
Communication and Leadership
My communication is both my best and worst quality as a leader.?It is the part of my craft that I work hardest at, yet never feel like I’m nailing.?I sometimes don’t communicate enough, sometimes share too much, and am often more emotional than I would ideally like to be.
?These are all pitfalls of my personal leadership philosophy and the style of leader I aspire to be.?My philosophy is driven by two key premises:
?Servant leadership means putting the team and the organisation before my own objectives or goals.?Leaving ego at the door and being motivated by higher purpose.?Vulnerable leadership means accepting my own fallibility and being prepared to talk about it honestly with my team.?Neither easy, but both have the capacity to engender confidence, loyalty, and trust.
?The balance between these two premises is tricky.?Both are individually important but must be in harmony with each other.?There are times where a leader must make an unpopular decision that they know is right, but the team might not understand or feel served.?Equally there are times where a leader must shelve vulnerability, and instead project strength and confidence, despite not feeling it inside.?Getting that balance right will is a never-ending quest for me.
?It is why I think about leadership as a craft.?Something that is improved through practice, reflection, and experience.?It doesn’t just happen and needs to be worked on, with a continual improvement mindset.?Leaders should be constantly learning, seeking feedback, challenging their preconceptions, and aspiring to better support the people they serve.
MACS Snr CP | MBA | Digital transformation | Non-Executive Board Director | Neurodiversity advocate
1 年So eloquently put John Gibbons. Big respect. I read the following on a post a while back. Your words embody the same incredibly impactful sentiment … "Can't speak more highly of the person working above me. He's winging it, but he's flapping really well”. When a #leader pays attention, listens, cares about their people, collaborates, shows up, is committed to learning, and helps carry that weight, everyone sees it, everyone wins. Keep flapping. RIP Michael Kalimnios. You were this for me when I joined Albury Wodonga Health in 2021. Only five months; the most uplifting five months of my career.
Part time Housing Officer
1 年Well said
Independent Consultant to NFP sector. Clinical Family Therapist AAFT, GAICD
1 年Yep John, that sums up leadership beautifully. It's the yin and yang of strength and vulnerability, listening to the wisdom of your team and then being prepared to lead. Well said!
Resourcer & Founder of Sisley Business Events and Conferences
1 年This is gold John ?