CEO's ask your Employee's Children how Good is Your Company!
Bradley W. Marston, ARM, AIS
Much as Dr. Demings theories of Process Improvement was pivotal to transforming the Japanese Auto Industry.
If a CEO really wants to improve their Company's Organizational Development thereto he/she nearly needs to ask the Employee's Children . As the Son of a Coal Miner I learned early on what motivated behaviors. I witnessed families buying homes, boats, campers and getting married during the boom and I did not need to ask Mr. Buffet when was the bust as I nearly had to see the For Sale signs, parents divorcing, and higher rate of suicides. Nor do I need to ask Mr. Trump, what motivates people as we all know that the more financially well we are the better our lives not to mention our communities.
So if we want to be innovative and progressive in organizational process improvements let's start improving FAMILIES as they are an Organization's BFF (Best Friends Forever). The Family unit is its own Organization which is so fragile let alone putting undue duress on it when their is truly a better way. Corporations Employee's have a huge buying power and need to take advantage of the opportunity!!
So task the Human Resource Professionals to work with businesses in offering services/products right at your place of business!! In essence, your Organization assist as your Employee's Personal Risk Manager. Have your HR Department verify that they have insurance, business licenses, referrals, discounts or perks and anything else that may be appropriate for that business. is in the midst of doing just this. We are working hard behind the scenes to be able to offer services/products to enhance the quality of life of your Employees and their Family's, thereto. So feel free to email me at [email protected] on how we can partner to assist your Organizations BFF's today!!