Be the CEO of your Mind!

Be the CEO of your Mind!

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Back in 2021, I taught my Meditation for Entrepreneurs workshop at the iconic Nomade Tulum.

Somehow, I was one of the most popular guest instructors. Last week, Nomade asked me to write an article about meditation, which I'm sharing with you now.

You should already know that being the CEO of your mind and emotions is essential to your business success. If you follow these steps, you'll get there.

Create a Daily Meditation Practice in 4 Easy Steps

If you've never meditated, this post is for you. If you've tried before but stopped... read on.

Most elite performers have a daily meditation/mindfulness practice... shouldn't you? Maybe you want one but have no time. Here's a solution.

Use these 4 easy steps to create a daily meditation practice today. These 4 steps explain what to do and when to do it.

1.?Only meditate for 5 minutes (I'm serious)

For the next 21 days, limit your meditations to 5 minutes per session.

Here's why: it's all about developing the habit of meditation. It's not about reaching an arbitrary?threshold of time. And it's definitely not about breaking your prior meditation "record". After all, meditation is about creating inner peace. It's not about creating incremental stress from an arbitrary challenge.?

2. The Simplest Meditation possible...

Silence. The simplest meditation possible is simply to sit in silence. Now don't worry, remember it's only for 5 minutes! You won't turn into a Zen monk overnight.

More good news: You don't need any goals during your meditation. In fact, I don't want you to have any goals. Just keep your eyes closed for about 5 minutes.

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No timer. No music. And definitely no annoying alarm. When you think 5 minutes have passed, open your eyes and you're done. It's not about perfection, it's about progress.

But, you might ask... What should I think about? Should I focus on something? Here's the trick - you don't need to focus on anything... but you also don't need to avoid anything.

Whatever comes up... comes up. Work, family, or what you ate for dinner last night... it does not matter.?

I understand some of you may want a goal or direction. If you like, focus on your breath and when your thoughts wander, just come back to focusing on your breath. When thoughts or feelings arrive, simply observe them like clouds floating by... they will always float away.?

But again, none of this is necessary. Sit in silence with your eyes closed for about 5 minutes, and you're done. That's it.?

3.?Meditate as soon as you wake up

Don't have any time? We've solved that.

Do this: Wake up. Sit up on the side of your bed. When your feet touch the ground, close your eyes and sit in silence. That's it.?

Not sure what to do? Refer to Step 2 ??

4. Why Meditate? (Extra Credit)

If you've read this far, you're probably the kind of person willing to invest in themselves to perform and feel better. Here's an easy hack to do just that:

The Hack: Handwrite 2 specific reasons why you MUST meditate.?Stick that piece of paper in your purse or wallet. Do this NOW.

Examples: My partner or kids deserve a calmer me. My dream house or job requires more focus. My time is too valuable to feel down. My new business needs my energy to be all-in.

This little slip of paper will help remind you what's at stake. And it's also a reminder that making progress only takes 5 minutes per day.

Visiting spectacular places like the Nomade Tulum inspires us to take more time for our health and wellness. And while a vacation retreat helps us refresh, we also need to take those practices back home to our everyday lives.?

After all, you're meditating to get better at life,?not to get better at meditation.

See you at the Gratitude Tent next time!

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Manuj Aggarwal

Top Voice in AI | CIO at TetraNoodle | Proven & Personalized Business Growth With AI - In 4 Easy Steps | AI keynote speaker | 4x patents in AI/ML | 2x author | Travel lover ??

2 年

Insightful read! We should decide what thoughts we want to think and how we want to feel. We need to realize that we have control over our thoughts, emotions and actions. If we don't like how we feel or what we're thinking, then we should change it. The good news is that it's not as hard as we think. It just takes practice and a little bit of effort on our part. I learned a lot from reading this piece. Thank you so much for sharing.

Mandy Gibbons

???? The RESILIENCE & ANTI-FRAGILE COACH for MEN: Take Ownership, Prepare And Powerfully Lead As the Best Man YOU CHOOSE To Be At Any Given Time!

2 年

Navin Thukkaram I use my neuroplasticity tools first thing in the morning... a different form of meditation.. I totally hear you, brother... it definitely helps prime you for the day. ?????

Debbie King

Love your business instead of feeling trapped. Turn it into an asset you can scale or sell. Tech founder turned business coach.

2 年

Great tips for creating a sustainable meditation practice, Navin Thukkaram.

Adrian McDonald

CEO @ ?????????? ?? ?????????????????? ???????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????

2 年

Thanks for sharing Navin - I look forward to trying this out!

Blake Schofield

Gain clarity on the right next step in your career. More fulfilling work & better balance, without taking a pay cut. Stop hoping the grass will be greener, instead align your skills & passions to maximize your value.

2 年

Master your mind, master your life


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