CEO Salary Survey: Behavioural Health and Healthcare Services
Raw Selection
De-risking executive search for your Private Equity firm and Portfolio Companies
CEO Salary Survey: Behavioural Health and Healthcare Services
Raw Selection recently held a Salary Survey, focusing on CEOs who are based in the US in the Behavioural Health and Healthcare Services industry. We have split the results up into three categories, depending on the company’s revenue size.
Raw Selection recently held a Salary Survey, focusing on CEOs who are based in the US.
We have split the results up into three categories, depending on the company’s revenue size.
Below 50M | 50M to 150M | 150M Plus
Below $50M
We found the lowest salary in this category to be $120,000. The highest salary from a CEO in a company with less than $50M in revenue is $350,000. Of the participants in this category, the median salary is $262,500.
In terms of bonus percentage, we found that a large number of participants in this category, 85%, received less than 50%. The lowest bonus received was 0%.
15% of participants received above 50%. The highest amount of bonus for participants here was 50% which could reach 400% depending on performance.
We found that 15% of participants receive their bonus based on EBITDA performance.
Of the participants working in firms with below $50M revenue, 23% have equity – with the remaining 77% receiving none.
$50M to $150M
We found the lowest salary in this category to be $125,000. The highest salary from a CEO in a company with between $50M and $150,000M in revenue is $300,000. Of the participants in this category, the median salary is $250,000.
In terms of bonus percentage, we found that a small majority of participants in this category, 20%, receive a 50% bonus or more.
80% of participants receive below 50%. The lowest amount of bonus for participants here was 20%.
We found that 20% of participants here received a performance-based bonus.
Of the participants of the salary survey working in firms with between $50 and $150 revenue, 40% did not receive equity.
We found the lowest salary in this category to be $229,000. The highest salary from a CEO in a company with over $150M in revenue is $340,000. Of the participants in this category, the median salary is $267,000.
In terms of bonus percentage, we found that 66% of participants receive 50% or less in bonus – with the lowest being 20%.
The remaining 33% of participants receive over 50% in bonus – the highest being 50%.
Of the participants of the salary survey working in firms with above $150M in revenue, 100% received equity.
About Raw Selection: Raw Selection favours a meticulous approach to candidate research. Our process for selecting the right candidate means we can boast a 100% success rate for all our retained C-suite clients, with 96% of placed candidates still in their roles after 12 months.
If your Private Equity firm is looking to hire, or if you are looking for a new role within the PE sector, please get in contact with Alex, at [email protected]