The CEO Position Mysteries. CEO Success and failure, performance and results, training, education and development, Health and Wellbeing

The CEO Position Mysteries. CEO Success and failure, performance and results, training, education and development, Health and Wellbeing

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Here let me give just the points of what I have learnt through CEOLOGY and my research into The CEO Position and CEO success and failure, performance and results, training, education and development.

  1. The CEO position is the most powerful position in an organisation
  2. CEO failures are higher than most people know-as much as between 30% and 47% of all first time CEOs failing within their first 3 years.
  3. No one fully understanding the CEO position and what it takes to be successful their. This includes the overwhelming majority of practising CEOs, retired and CEOs who have left this world.
  4. There is a big disconnect between what boards think makes a great CEO and what actually makes a great CEO.
  5. CEO underperformance is high, as little as 2 percent of CEOs reach their full CEO potential in their CEO life times.
  6. CEOs contribute as much as between 30% and 50% to the success and failure, performance and results of the companies and organisations they lead.
  7. A small fraction of CEOs have a strategic mindset, with the some researchers estimating that as little as 17% of CEOs are have the natural strategic thinking ability
  8. Very few CEOs treat strategy seriously; they do not invest time and resources in deepening their understanding of strategy and its derivatives
  9. Most boards are notorious for failing to provide meaningful support to their CEOs because the board members do not understand the CEO's work and how best to support the CEO. Very few board members also understand strategy well enough to provide the CEO guidance on strategy and in strategic issues
  10. Most CEOs fail not because they are not intelligent or smart, but because of attitude and psychological vices and weaknesses. There are 313 deadly CEOs vices that undermine extreme CEO success and lead many CEOs towards the path of failure and distraction.
  11. As much as 95% of those who provide CEO recruitment services have no idea about what exactly makes an ideal CEO candidate
  12. The MBA, Degrees in MBA and Finance and other degrees are poor requirements for CEO positions. There is no correlation between the possession of these degrees and long term CEO performance
  13. There is no university in the word that is offering very comprehensive training and education in CEOship or specially for the CEO position. The best CEO pragrams are typically coined "executive programs" that do improve CEO performance but won't take CEOs to their very peak levels of CEO perfomance.
  14. The costs of CEO failure are extremely high financial and value destruction wise
  15. The CEO position is a dangerous and toxic position with many serious mental and physical health hazards.
  16. There is not yet "widely known body of knowledge in CEOship to guide aspiring and practising CEOs in their world.
  17. CEOlogy is a branch of resultsology explores the CEO position, CEO success and failure, performance and results, and training, education and wellbeing.

CEOCAMPDETTS is the world's first comprehensive program to help aspiring and practising CEO to achieve high performance and reduce their potential for failure and ill health. It is a combination of coaching, advisory, mentorship, personal development, education, equipment, teaching, training and strategic support

The Birth of CEOLOGY

?When I discovered that there is still a lot of to be known about CEOs and CEOship, I concluded that invest a lot more time into trying to understand this area. CEOLOGY is the tem that I coined for this study of CEOship, the CEO position and the success and failure, performance and results, training, education, equipment and development of CEOs. CEOLOGY is actually a third level branch of Resutsology and falls under Organisational Resultsology. (If you want to know more about Resultsology and Organisational Resultsology you can email me at [email protected] or WhatsApp +263-77-444-74-38)

In CEOLOGY we are also looking for the science behind CEO performance and results, success and failure because if we discovered the science we can then dramatically improve the success, performance and results of CEOs while reducing their potential for failure.

We are also looking for ways of making the CEO position less dangerous and derisking the position and even eliminating the negative health and wellbeing impacts of the position on the CEOs. In addition, we are creating a pathway for aspiring CEOs since no such pathway currently exists.

Ceology is not just for aspiring and practising CEOs, Ceology is for anyone interested in knowing, or must know, about the CEOship, The CEO Position and the success and failure, performance and results, and the training, education, equipment and development of CEOs. These include;

1.???? Aspiring and practising CEOs

2.???? Board Chairmen and board members

3.???? CEO recruiters and recruitment agencies

4.???? Academics in business and organisations

5.???? Government leaders

6.???? Economic leaders

7.???? Consultants in leadership and organisational development


CEO campdeetts is an integrated program designed to equip and support aspiring and practising CEOs to achieve their goals and to successfully produce or exceed the kind of performance and results that they must produce at the different CEO stages, in different situations and under different circumstances faced by CEO. ?Campdeetts means;

Coaching and Consulting; Advising; Mentorship; Personal Development; Education; Equipment; Teaching; Training; and Strategic Support

This is the world’s first most comprehensive program to prepare and support CEOs in their performance and results.

While we continue with CEOLOGY, we are excited to announce that aspiring and practising CEOs can now get comprehensive, very CEOship-specific preparation, training, education, equipment, mentorship, coaching, advisory and strategic support.


CEOs do not just need support so that they do their job well while reducing the risk of failure. CEOS need support in maintaining their mental and physical health and wellbeing because the CEO position comes with a serious health risks and hazards.

This extreme success model helps CEOs become the best possible CEOs and achieve extreme success without burning their lives and without sacrificing their health and wellbeing.

Enjoy your success

[email protected] WhatsApp +263-77-444-74-38

?Simon Bere CEO Success, 2025

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