Frisk CEO, Cliff Garrels, shares purpose-led vision with Lot Fourteen entrepreneurs
Cliff Garrels, Frisk Managing Director and CEO at Lot Fourteen

Frisk CEO, Cliff Garrels, shares purpose-led vision with Lot Fourteen entrepreneurs

Lot Fourteen is home to some of the most visionary defence, space and high-tech companies around the globe. From right here in Adelaide these companies are carving a new vision for the world.

And it’s because of that shared passion for purpose, our CEO, Cliff Garrels, was recently invited to share the secrets to his success with a group of young entrepreneurs at the innovation hub and start-up incubator, Stone and Chalk.

In 1999, Cliff created what became Olicc, a software platform that helps users analyse and manage the financial planning aspect of their business. After developing a vision to ensure that every Financial Planner in Australia used Olicc for their business decision-making, Cliff drove the business to success, selling to Macquarie in 2007.

But he didn’t stop there. After joining the Frisk team just over a decade ago, Frisk’s purpose has never been clearer - to revolutionise the way organisations handle data to optimise business decision-making. Frisk is the next generation in data augmentation and decision optimisation.

For over 6 years, Frisk have been a trusted partner of the Australian Taxation Office. Over that time, Frisk has seamlessly integrated with the ATO’s Enterprise Data Hub and linked corporate systems to index Siebel CRM data, and make accessible over 1.2 billion records and documents that were previously hidden within Siebel -- delivering efficiencies and savings to the ATO across multiple business lines.

And with a focus on working with other businesses using Siebel, Government agencies, Defence & Mining companies to achieve the same sort of results, there is no telling what heights will be achieved.

Cliff is rock solid on having a purpose, and how that leads to clear vision. And if there is anything that the whole Frisk team knows, it’s that there is no better place to be than at the top of the mountain where the vision is clear.

Looking forward to unlocking the potential of teams working in Lot Fourteen

