The CEO and the Cleaning Lady
Once upon a time, there was a hard-working employee who was always the last one to leave the office.
He often left together with the CEO, as the CEO was also among the last ones to leave.
Every evening, the cleaning lady would arrive to start her work.
She was ignored by our friend, even when she requested help.
Week by week, month by month.
One day, our friend did not notice that the CEO had left earlier.
He stayed in the office until evening and ended up blocked by the security doors.
He was not able to reach anyone to open the doors.
By a funny coincidence, the only person available was the very same cleaning lady, who went upstairs to unlock the doors for our friend.
All of a sudden, he saw some value in the lady.
There are two types of people in corporate life.
Those who were raised to treat the CEO and janitor with the same respect, and those who adapt their behavior based on the person they are dealing with.
One way to know people is to watch how they treat someone who cannot give them anything in exchange.
Our friend realized he was adapting his behavior with everyone around him, including friends.
Looking for the ROI in each relationship.
People are not disposable.
Relationships do not come packaged in a box.
The example given are obviously two extremes sides, but gives un a sample of how many of us interact in our relations.
"When we opt to see the potential in others, we create a win-win situation: as we grow and develop, we help others do the same.
The people who rise to the top don't just build networks; they build alliances. They work to ensure that their interactions create value for all parties involved."
Extract from the book "Give and Take" by Adam Grant