Sampath VP
ASIC/FPGA Design Professional | SoC Architecture | Technology Evangelist | IEEE Reviewer|
CEOs watch Part2 series
Great ideas and thoughts require time to develop into great successes in the future to reach your defined vision.If you want to be successful as a CEO, cultivate inquisitiveness. Remind that CEO do not know everything about the business, no matter how much of a subject matter expert you may be. Stay curious enough to learn, and be willing to ask questions and find new answers. Any successful CEO must be able to embrace change and be prepared to be flexible and agile; rapid change is a fundamental part of business today. Every business is in constant flux in an increasingly fast-paced technology-driven world. If you wait, you are going to be left behind.Taking care of daily problems is important, but need to find time to focus on the future too if progress is to occur. Prioritize tasks, and determine which can be temporarily put on hold.Introspectively discover any anxiety that may be holding you back personally. being a rational critical thinker is being self-aware enough to monitor and question your own thoughts.
Strategic Thinking, Business Acumen, Leadership, Results Driven, Financial Management and Problem Solving/Analysis with excellent Collaboration Skills drives the CEO
Strategic Thinking have the ability to develop a clearly defined and focused business vision or personal vision which the CEO have an efficient plan to do. They are skilled at both thinking with a strategic purpose as well as creating a visioning process. They have both skills and they use them to complement each other and have the ability to clearly define their objectives and develop a strategic action plan with each objective broken down into tasks and each task having a list of needed resources and a specific timeline. They have the ability to design flexibility into their plans by creating some benchmarks in their thinking to review progress.
Great strategic thinkers will listen, hear and understand and will read and observe whatever they can so that they will have very helpful and strategic information to guide them. They may use a coach, a mentor, a peer advisory group or some other group that they can confide in and offer up ideas for feedback.They have the ability to be non-judgmental and they do not allow themselves to be held back or restricted by judging their own thinking or the thinking of others when ideas are initially being developed and shared. They have the ability to be patient and to not rush to conclusions and judgments.
How do you find the time, energy, and discipline to break away from daily activities?
What does it mean to think more strategically?
Being in charge of your own mind. Acknowledging that your thoughts or ideas could be flawed does not impinge your own credibility, it does quite the opposite. Open to verifying facts and thinking outside the box to create new ideas.
What are my current circumstances?
Is my perspective realistic?
What other points did I not consider that I should have?
What does my point of view imply?
Critical thinker accepts that their ideas may be flawed and therefore listens to others intently to learn more from others’ perspectives. Every team member is valuable and should be heard. Developing keen listening skills will encourage others to voice their opinions and foster an atmosphere where everyone contributes strategically as a cohesive unit. These tips will help you make the most out of listening opportunities.
Have an open mind free of biases
Be open to feedback from others
Listen attentively with a desire to learn a new perspective
Evaluate what was heard and identify the most valuable point(s) learned
The best way to make yourself stand out is by developing a strong foundational character and sense of integrity. Great leaders are admired because of the character they display and live by.
CEO act as the brand and ambassador,create a thriving organizational culture and Communicate consistently and with candor. They stay curious,embrace change. ,implement diversity.
Manage relationships,lead by example and Lead From Within.In addition being the scale of forecaster: Provider:Producer:Collaborator: Harmonizer:Pilot: Energizer: Composer
Forecaster CEO can be an invaluable asset.Where new ideas are paramount, such as in technology, life sciences, and other sectors or organizations that require deep subject-matter expertise.In innovative organizations that would benefit from more thoughtful strategic insights into future trends.When executing on short-term results matters more than generating ideas and intellectual capital . Providers’ confidence in their own abilities does come with some blind spots that the board should be aware of. Providers’ listening skills have the effect of making others feel heard, but Providers can find it difficult to actually alter their own point of view based on input from others. Further, there’s a risk that the Provider’s focus on higher-level strategy and relationship building could come at the expense of an interest in executional details—which suggests a role for the board in making sure that the CEO has processes and support systems in place that help ensure detailed execution.