Centurion -Protecting you today for tomorrow
Nicholas Marasco
NJM Group - Australian Bollards Providing Public Security and Asset Protection
Vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED) are a constant and very real threat in today's society.
Because of this, hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) is fast becoming more and more important in preventing such events from occurring. Without these protective mechanisms put in place, it leaves people without the protection they deserve.
Nicholas Marasco, the General Manager of Australian Bollards believes that safety is paramount when it comes to protecting people, a belief that is too shared by the Israeli government.
'The Israeli’s have taken hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) to a whole new level and are setting the standards for public safety,' Marasco said.
'Wherever there are large areas where people can gather, those areas are closed off by Centurion Sliding Bollards System as well as general electro-hydraulic systems and static bollards throughout.'
Israel's city of Tel Aviv is filled with hundreds of shopping outlets all over its streets, none more prominent than Dizengoff Street which is one of the most iconic streets in the city.
The main artery of the city, Dizengoff Street is filled with thousands of pedestrians each day who are shopping, enjoying coffees or just relaxing and having fun. All of this is made possible due to the protection that the Centurion Sliding Bollard System provides for everyone.
Australian Bollards range of products such as its Centurion Sliding Bollard System and Centurion Gate Keeper System are perfect mechanisms to keep people safe in high density areas like Melbourne's 'Little Bourke', 'Little Collins', 'Little Lonsdale' Streets and other locations throughout the CBD.
The Centurion HVM Sliding Bollard System is a clean robust system which makes it ideal for cities as it not only blends into the surroundings, but also avoids creating potential problems for essential services that can be found underground.
'What makes it so good is that any essential service that might be laying underneath the ground, deep excavation can create issues whereas shallow mounted or surface mounted systems create no issues in regard to essential services like power, gas and water running through those areas,' Marasco said.
The system is operated remotely through a built in drive unit via WiFi and CCTV cameras.
For more information on our range of bollards and safety barriers visit Australianbollards.com.au or call us today on +613 9459 3488