Centralizing Network Services with RG Nets
An issue that exists in both large and small networks is tool and service sprawl. Enterprises may have one solution for DNS, one for DHCP, something different for microsegmentation, etc. This introduces a couple of different potential problems. Staff needs to both understand multiple different platforms and go back and forth to and from those different solutions to manage different components of the network. RG Nets, Inc. takes a different approach. They take the stance of centralizing those network services into a single platform.
From my understanding of the platform, there are two main methods for providing this centralized value. The first of which is running services natively on the RG Nets platform, such as DNS and DHCP. The other method is to leverage the RG Nets platform as the front-end management plane for other services such as external wireless controllers via API. A use case for this is their Front Office Manager feature in which staff can provision network access and SSIDs for accounts. RG Nets then accesses the wireless controller or access points directly to push the configuration.
Network Provisiong
An interesting use case that was brought up during this #NFD33 presentation was network provisioning for hospitality environments. SSIDs can be created with multiple PSKs with their own VLANs. For instance, each room can leverage the same SSID, but all of the devices in that room can be provisioned with a separate PSK and VLAN to provide segmenation. This is helpful from a privacy standpoint, but also for functionality and scalability. Certain discovery protocols such as mDNS do not route. By putting all of the devices in the one room and one room only in its own VLAN, the clients in that room are only discovering the devices that they should discover. On the wireless side, the benefit is that there are not extraneous SSIDs in operation.
Virtual Residential Gateway
Another use case for the RG Nets platform is to provide clients with an interactive method to procure services such as internet access. Continuing the hospitality/housing example, clients can use the Virtual Residential Gateway to sign up for and provision network access automatically.
Centralizing Network Services
RG Nets delivers a very interesting solution and I have not heard of anything quite like it before. I can definitely see the benefit of having one platform to interface with from a network management perspective. Also, this opens the door for automatic provisioning to ease the workload for IT staff. A big value proposition described in this presentation was that RG Nets promotes easy, secure network access.