Centers of Excellence Drive Repeatable Success For Government Agencies
By Dr. Marc Boysworth, Senior Principal Data Scientist, Aeyon

Centers of Excellence Drive Repeatable Success For Government Agencies

When the United States Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (USAF IMSC) faced significant challenges processing and replying to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests they turned to?Aeyon?to automate the time-intensive procedures. Leveraging robotic automation, the USAF IMSC reduced its FOIA backlog by 30%, decreased processing time by 88%, and improved accuracy by 99.9%. Aeyon helped the agency’s employees automate manual processes, improve efficiency and save a considerable amount of money in the process. These benefits would not have been possible if Aeyon did not have their centers of excellence upon which the USAF could quickly work with to enable digital transformations of their workflows.?

Centers of Excellence present opportunities to leverage valuable, hard-to-find skill sets across entire organizations rather than diluting organizational expertise by confining talented individuals to a single department or functional area. CoEs democratize access to talent and enable traditionally under-recognized groups to benefit from data science, process automation, and knowledge management.?

Aeyon’s Centers of Excellence?supports client-facing teams with the delivery of scalable data analytics, robotic process automation, and knowledge management solutions. It is made up of two sections: a Robotic Operations Center of Excellence (ROCoE) and a Data Analytics Center of Excellence (DACoE) (with a knowledge management function expected to be added in 2023). Utilizing a hub-and-spoke model, CoEs have the opportunity to bring technical excellence to teams that might otherwise have not had the ability to work with top-level data scientists, process automation specialists, and knowledge managers. Furthermore, CoEs standardize and inculcate best practices that enable dispersed organizations to converge on common tools, techniques, and practices. This synchronization allows for cost savings, decreased duplication of effort, greater career mobility, and increased efficiency of operations. And, in addition to the internal benefits, CoEs present an opportunity for client-facing teams to leverage the CoE’s skillset to rapidly solve customer problems.?

CoEs are becoming common in the federal space too. When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was challenged to deliver customer-driven science and technology solutions to help prepare the up-and-coming generation of homeland security leaders, the agency established the?DHS Science & Technology Centers of Excellence. By doing so, the DHS was able to develop a database of approaches (countermeasures, mitigation, and prevention) as well as technologies to support ongoing DHS missions. Since its launch, the DHS CoE has leveraged public and private networks to drive essential research and development (R&D) capabilities as well as technological migrations.?

In an effort to accelerate IT modernization across the government as a whole, the United States General Services Administration (GSA) established its own?Centers of Excellence?to improve operational efficiency. By implementing its own CoE, the GSA was able to facilitate a smoother modernization journey for agency partners, accelerate digital transformation efforts and give partners the desired tools and resources to alleviate the time constraints on their employees. Five years later, the GSA’s CoE continues to leverage private sector innovation and government services while centralizing best practices for holistic digital transformation.?

Government agencies that set up CoEs like Aeyon’s are better equipped to manage their employees’ time and internal information while spending considerably less doing so. With these databases and resource centers at their disposal, government agencies can modernize operations and leverage large quantities of past information and data to ensure clients' success moving forward.

To learn more about Aeyon’s Center of Excellence and the solutions it provides, visit?our website.



