Center for Plain Language: Seeking Board Members
Deborah S. Bosley
Plain Language Expert | Writing, Training, Research, Testing, Expert Witness
Our mission is to champion clear communication so people and organizations can thrive.
Our vision is to create a culture of Clarity
Every audience–Every format–Every time
What kinds of projects do we work on?
§ For the past six years, we have produced an Annual Federal Plain Language Report Card on how the federal agencies are doing with plain language.
§ We held our 8th annual ClearMark competition and will hold the 9th ClearMark Awards Gala on May 8.
§ We worked with Time magazine to critique the privacy policies of several major companies.
§ We worked to get Congress to introduce a Plain Regulation Act.
§ We raised funds to support our activities.
§ We published one e-book.
§ We recently relaunched the WTF awards for Works That Fail.
§ We’ve participated in international surveys of plain language.
§ We’ve participated in the group establishing international standards for plain language.
§ We provide support to legislators who want to establish plain language in their states and cities.
§ We provide training to local governments and non-profit groups.
§ We’ve sponsored workshops featuring internationally known experts.
§ We’ve revised our by-laws.
What do we want to do in the future? We dream big. We want to expand the report cards to other industries, like health and the financial sector. We’d like to publish other books, such as one on best before and after examples of plain language. We’d like to host a conference. We want to talk with more groups. We’d like to partner with more groups to expand the message of plain language. We want more workshops. We want to be a part of Sunshine Week and International Plain Language Day. We want to build on the ideas of our Board Members—and that means your ideas too.
What do we need? We don’t just want to dream; we want to accomplish. To do this, we would especially like new Board Members with experience and skill in the following:
§ fundraising
§ digital content strategy
§ financial planning and management
§ leading and managing annual fund drives
§ blog management
§ book publishing and management
§ strategic planning
§ project management
§ financial and health literacy specialists
What does it take to serve on the Board? A passion for Plain Language; an ability to multi-task; an ability to follow through and get things done; a good network of others or an ability to recruit people work on committees; willingness to collaborate; good organization; a willingness to support the Center financially and to find others to do so also; the ability to combine the strategic with the tactical; and an ability to have fun. Indeed, we are a working board, and we do put in time to promote that culture of clarity that is part of our mission statement.
And what do you get in return for all this hard work? No private jet or vacation home in the Bahamas. Not even free movie tickets. BUT YOU DO get to dream big and YOU DO GAIN a network of relationships with others who care about clarity as you do. You gain community and friendships that last a life time. And you get the knowledge that you are really helping organizations like the public health sector or the government solve problems and provide services through writing.
Finally . . .These suggestions are not to limit nominations but simply to spark your thinking. Consider running even if your strengths are in other areas.
If you are willing to serve, or if you are just curious if you might be a good fit, don’t hesitate. Contact us at [email protected] We’ll get back to you right away to answer any questions. If you’ve already decided, then send a short (about 100-150 words) statement about why you should be elected and what you will bring to the Board. Send to [email protected]. The election is in April.