The Center for Health and Wellness Coaches - A New Offering by Sukhayu Wellness
Sukhayu Wellness
We promote all aspects of well-being & provide holistic wellness initiatives for individuals, groups, and organizations.
by: Jessica Singh, MD, NBC-HWC, ACC, RYT-200
For?the past few months, I have been working?on?a new offering called the?Center?for?Health?and Wellness Coaches.
In transitioning careers from medicine to holistic?health?and wellness, consulting, and becoming a dual certified coach by the National Board?of?Health?and Wellness Coaching and the International Coaching Federation, I developed a profound appreciation?for?the knowledge that I learned from my colleagues, peers and mentors.
Many?of?these connections came through connecting with fellow professionals in training and certification courses throughout the journey, professional organizations, social media and cold outreach.
To further cultivate community and support the professional development?of?health?and wellness coaches, I am excited to announce the launch?of?a new offering by Sukhayu Wellness called the?Center?for?Health?and Wellness Coaches.
The?Center?for?Health?and Wellness Coaches will offer educational and professional resources and courses to?health?and wellness coaches, beginning with two offerings to support?health?and wellness coaches who are preparing?for?the National Board?of?Health?and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) Certifying Examination.
The first NBHWC exam review offering is a live review course, which includes a full length (150 question) practice test, and the second offering is an additional full-length practice test,?for?a total?of?over?300 practice test questions with explanations. Both the course and the practice test questions are eligible?for?CME credit?for?physicians.
For more information about the NBHWC exam review course, click here.
For more information about the NBHWC practice test, click here.
Little did I know that writing these questions would amount to the equivalent?of?writing a book… it’s been a humbling and rewarding journey that I am excited to share.
I had the pleasure?of?taking an NBME Item-Writing Workshop to better equip myself to write these questions?for?board review. (Note, all NBHWC exam review offerings are provided by Sukhayu Wellness and not affiliated with the National Board?of?Health?and Wellness Coaching or the National Board?of?Medical Examiners.)
For?the past few months, I have been working diligently to write these questions, partnering with another National Board Certified?Health?and Wellness Coach who is faculty at an NBC-HWC approved coach certification program?for?peer-review, and collaborating with an editor to provide a high quality resource?for?coaches, which was missing when I was studying?for?the exam.
The overall vision?for?the?Center?for?Health?and Wellness Coaches is to create and cultivate a community?for?health?and wellness coaches where we can share resources and seek continued professional and educational development alongside each other to support career growth.
I look forward to sharing updates with you as the Center for Health and Wellness Coaches becomes more established, and also growing Sukhayu Wellness’s holistic wellness offerings in addition to this.
Stay tuned! The Center for Health and Wellness Coaches' website is coming soon.
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I would love to hear your feedback and any ideas you have to share about this offering! My vision is to launch a membership program later this year.
Thank you?for?your support.