Censorship and Business

Censorship and Business

You don't just find censorship in totalitarian regimes. It is everywhere and it's mostly unseen. After all, do you think newspaper editors only correct spelling mistakes? The girl that you are going to meet at Starbucks for speed dating...do you think her first words are going to be, "Hi, I have vertigo and one of my legs is slightly shorter than the other?". That's why "Freedom of the Press" really doesn't mean much unless you own the press. We even do it to ourselves... both biologically and psychologically. There are so many stimuli surrounding us that our subconscious censors the unneeded noise. Babies initially don't have this happy faculty so they receive it all at once. Perhaps that's why they look stoned. The other, the psychological, is that depending upon your temperament, your ego may choose to listen primarily to either complements....or to constantly look for the "veiled insult". When it comes to business, however, you need to be able to step out of all of this. You need to divorce your ego from the emotion of the exchange or the situation, and to be able to judge situations dispassionately. That's part of what makes you a good leader too. If you need a few trusted advisors around you to help you in this endeavor...there's nothing wrong with this....Ti salut! But remember this!!!! People generally accept things at face value, so keep asking questions. A charging bull always looks at the red cape....not the man with the sword.  


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