C&EN Monthly - January 2024
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Here are some of the top articles from cen.acs.org that have been creating a reaction:
C&EN's World Chemical Outlook 2024. Facing developments such as increased FDA scrutiny on chemical food additives, battery technology advancements, and the surge in sustainable aviation fuel, 2024 is set to bring notable changes to the chemical enterprise.
Is the academic social networking site ResearchGate still relevant? A recent deal with the publisher MDPI is leading some users to delete their accounts.
Chemical Safety Board plots new course. At the end of 2023, the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) eliminated a backlog of 17 unfinished accident reports, an obstacle that had plagued the organization for years.
FDA gave its nod to 55 new drugs in 2023. The past year was a return to form for approvals of new drugs by the US Food and Drug Administration. There were 55 new molecular entities that cleared the FDA’s hurdles in 2023.
Scientists probe the microscopic secrets behind fine-flavor chocolate. Researchers are identifying and trying to reverse engineer the networks of yeast and bacteria that manufacture chocolate flavor compounds during fermentation.
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