Cement Type - Around the Globe
Heart: Human:: Cement: Concrete, Cement unites aggregates together turning them into a durable and strong structural component. The journey of achieving the Eleventh Goal "Sustainable Cities and Communities" begins with the use of the most appropriate construction material. In this article, an attempt is made to put together different cement types available around the world (US, Europe, Australia, India, and Japan).
American (ASTM)
Euro (EN)
Japan (JIS)
India (IS)
Australia (AS)
Standard Cement Test
Mindmaps provided connects similarities between cement types (name) around the Globe. The input parameters in the process of most appropriate cement for construction are:
In recent years many International Standards/Projects/Guides have raised the age of cube/cylinder compressive strength from 28-day to 56-day or 90-day, encouraging the replacement of portland cement (CEM I or Type I) with other cement types.
Air:Human::Construction: Economy