The Cell - Reflecting on the value of Selfless Introspection
A good friend recently penned a write up on her thoughts about Nelson Mandela’s writings in “Conversations with Myself”. Her piece reminded me of the importance of introspection.
I suspect we’ve all functioned at times in a climate of consensus or group think – executing diligently without actually pausing to think. To reflect on what’s happening, the reasons why we’re pursuing a particular line of reasoning or whether our assumptions are well thought out.
Mandela references “The Cell” as a place to get to know yourself, learn self-awareness and judge our progress in life, based on Internal Factors as well as external ones. We can all benefit from spending time in The Cell, without actually being locked behind bars. The Cell to me - simply represents a place or feeling of solitude, when one is alone with one’s thoughts, free from distractions. It also represents a mindset – one of Serious yet Selfless Introspection.
In this short passage, Mandela reiterates a very important aspect of Mindfulness…..
“At least, if nothing else, the cell gives you the opportunity to look daily into your entire conduct, to overcome the bad and develop whatever is good in you”. Nelson Mandela