Cell Phones…Schools….Big Gov/Local Control -Funding & Property Taxes …Out of Touch with the Facts on the Ground
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Today, I am also announcing that we will be taking action to ban cell phones in our schools. Screens are negatively impacting our learning environments, drawing students' attention away from their classes, and becoming a barrier for teachers to do their jobs — no more.
NH Gov Kelly Ayotte
Our new governor went on to further explain that some “hard” conversations are needed on this subject.
Well, our local School District have already had these discussions that were not difficult at all as they brought together, Educators, Parents and Students for a Community Based Solution
You are so out of touch with the people you are representing!
Students are given their Yondr Pouch to secure their cell phones and are responsible for abiding with the Community Standards all agreed with when this program began.
Yondr creates---Phone Free Zones
The student arrives --
– places their phone in the pouch
–locks it and retains possession of the cell phone
-If need proceeds out of the Phone Free Zone
What I like about the entire process here is that more than the Imperial Fiat descending from Concord
…this is a local – organic mutually agreed solution in which all the stakeholders agreed to participate with certain mutual behaviors
This is what mature people do, and nothing could be more instructive as this becomes part of a much larger discussion in the classroom about individual responsibility in the context developing impulse control, prioritizing the best use of your attention/effort and contributing as a Good Community/ Team member to what’s the most optimal environment for everyone
Nothing could more express this “Greater Good” Ethos of what makes small town New Hampshire these extremely special places to live, raise a family and learn valuable life lessons.
So my message to all the “enlightened elites” in Concord
We’re all set and like everything else in our interactions with you
…you’re a day late and many many dollars short
We have successfully implemented this more than a year ago
It is a successful program as it is something that possesses total community support
..this factor is significant as children are directed by the consistency of those that they know love and support them
….not some distant elites in Concord whose fiscal policies are creating hardship to their family's budget and limiting their lives opportunities
At the Community Center I observe the students using the Yondr Pouch which informs me of the successful reinforcement of these behaviors by the school/parent team
—Congrats Well Done!!
….that have transformed an obsessive compulsive behavior into a controlled more productive action
—Welcome to adulthood
This is a praiseworthy accomplishment when you consider the scope of this Cell phone neurotransmitter addictive behavior
As I call it
– the Twenty Second Dopamine Rush which literally takes control of the individual’s ?Stimulus- Reaction- Response
So you’ll have to excuse us if we did not wait for instructions for the “Enlightened Elites” in Concord
One thing is more than obvious to all local people here in the “provinces”…
……We’re on our own as the elites in Concord are quick to downshift everything upon these local communities
In that Live Free or Die Ethos …Local Control has been the Gold Standard
What’s so totally hypocritical here is on one hand the Concord Elites are telling us of some Imperial Fiat of what solution that is going to be imposed with some….Hard Conversations
..while on the other hand you tell us that Concord is not responsible for all these educational expenses which are local control spending and taxing issues
We’re not interested in your Big Government Cell Phone Policy which for the GOP Trifecta Team in Concord is nothing more than public relations “feel good” legislation
…. that is like everything else you create far inferior to the local solutions of the bright, sincere and vested ?people in my small town
Several things are woefully lacking in Concord as a disaffected elite far removed from the challenging circumstances of many citizens lack integrity, sincerity but most importantly the contextual experiential dire conditions whose trajectory is pushing entire demographics out of the middle class into working class poverty
This is something I observe first hand and is very real!
This Cell Phone Showcase Legislation informs me that like everything else, you did not do your homework
Come to the remote “provinces” where eighty year old people are working every day….pushing the shopping carts in the parking lot to pay their property taxes …..so that they can die in their homes with dignity
Please come and learn to listen about lost opportunities for our young people who are at a competitive disadvantage due to the zip code and school district they live in
Things are not well in the “provinces” and the people are anxious with a deep distrust that is rightly earned by an unfair system that benefits the few communities at the expense of the many others
Yesterday was yet another split screen experience ….
Gov Ayotte proclaiming her Imperial Cell Phone Fiat concept
..while I conferred with local State reps that told me more than likely the message they are hearing from Leadership there may be even less Ed Funding than in the previous biennium
My heart goes out to our Legislative Delegation …especially the Red Team ones that are going to be coerced into doing many unpleasant things that are contrary to their convictions
..for they know its not in the best interests of their community
Most troubling of all is the Mindset of these concentric circles of the Corner Office, State Senate, House Leadership in conjunction with the most powerful Special Interests in the Granite State whose primary focus is not the Greater Good
... but further advancing the agenda of a System that fosters control and benefit to a small portion of New Hampshire Society
Completely out of touch with the facts on the ground.
From my perspective
…an extremely contentious Legislative Session is coming
..sadly.... this is completely avoidable ?
Just so much misplaced Intent, Effort and Vision
Totally disconnected from regular people
Several Things are Certain
….Elections Have Consequences ….
…..Smart People Use their Opportunities Well
……2026 is just around the corner
… with not even a week into this the road ahead looks like a very bumpy ride