Director, Compo2000 Pte Ltd, Singapore and Founder/Trustee @ Chiasm Dais Charitable Trust, India.
Excerpts from the book entitled "Voice of God"-Vol.7 published by Sri Kanchi Mahaswamy Peetarohana Shatabdi Mahotsava Trust, Mumbai 2006 - pp - 1- 18 (Italics, highlighting and underlining are that of?Shri S G V Ramanan (1928-2023) was the Credit Advisor to The World Bank).?
Shri S G V Ramanan (unfortunately he is not with us and has passed away) is my Dad's first and paternal cousin.
(RAM: As I go along with this Article I will be adding my views also. America withdrew its forces from Afghanistan and I will just make a mention here that I am emotionally involved beyond that there is nothing much I can say, hence empathise with me a little and, of course nothing much can be done by the readers, RAM, Compo2000).
Let’s move to Story time and let us analyse how the stories of mythological times are captivating. The flow and vocabulary are engaging and further, there are links to the current times.
India has two great Epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, which the?World?knows.?
HELP TO SOUTHERN INDIA?- I will come to the section to discuss stopping the move of the vital statue and the Vimana (Lord Sri Ranganatha, Srirangam) on the banks of the Kaveri?from being transferred to Sri Lanka ). Lord RAMA after his coronation wanted to give Vibeeshana of (as Vibeeshana gave himself totally to Lord Rama) Sri Lanka a valuable gift which was the Statue of Sri Ranganatha reclined on the Vimaana. Lord RAMA forbid that Vibeeshana to lay the statue on the ground till he reached his destination. Lord Vigneswara (as a boy, not revealing who he was, tempted Vibeeshana to have a bath in the Kaveri, but he will call out to him three times to return to the shores failing which he will lay the statue on the ground. It so happened and Lord Vigneswara lay the statue of Sri Ranganatha on the bank of Kaveri and ran up the Rock Fort to seat himself. Vibeeshana once he came to the shores and found no sight of the boy went up the Rock Fort in search. When Vibeeshana tried to knock the head of the boy with his knuckles, Vigneswara revealed his true self.
By the way, Kaveri (Cauvery) is also part of our Project Green Miles being just 12 Kms away and during the Rule of Cholas.
There are several stories about the help rendered by Lord Vigneswara in developing particular regions, including?the social framework, spiritual advancement,?and so forth. These were accomplished easily and, in most cases, in a playful mood.
Some selected thoughts of Kanchi Mahaswamy ( Periaval ) on the subject below:
BHARAT-The Karma Bhoomi
Mahaswamy (Periyaval), when queried about a valuable statue preventing idols from being taken from Bharat, is fair. His answer is:
"When a plant or tree is Watered, it is not the branch or the flower that receives Water, but the root. So far as matters of divinity are concerned, our BHARAT is like the root of a?huge?tree called the?World.?It is?only?the watering of the root?that?provides?the?energy to all parts of the tree.?In the same manner,?it is?only the Pooja performed in Bharat?that?will?provide?the?strength and vitality for other countries?also.
BHARAT is like?the?power house?for the whole?World:?Just as the heart supplies blood?to the whole?body,?it is Bharat that?provides?the?energy to all parts of the tree.?In the same manner,?it is?only the Pooja performed in Bharat?that?will?provide?the?strength and vitality for other countries?also.?It is Bharat that?provides the life force of spirituality, Dharma and Soul.?This?does not mean that there?need?be no worship in other?Countries.?As we supply medicines to individual parts of the body to cure the ailment of that particular part, worship has to be done in other countries?too.?But, as the heart has to be in good condition for any?ailment?to be cured, only if worship is done in Bharat according to rules laid?down?it will produce good not only for our country (referring to India) but also for?all other countries."?
(Saints all over have claimed that India is Karma Bhoomi?and?all rituals done in this country are most effective.?This?is endorsed by Mahaswamy and explained as follows: Ramanan.)?
There are two types of Bhakthi - Vidheya Bhakthi and Raga Bhakthi.?Vaidheya?bhakthi??is?worship?according to rules and procedures prescribed in Sastras, whereas Raga?bhakthi?does not follow any such procedure, but the devotee shows his love to the Lord in any manner he likes.?(?Here?Mahaswamy explains the difference between the two types of?bhakthis?- details omitted - and argues that :)
"The Lord blesses only some people with?Anuraga bhakthi of the extreme kind by which they can be one with the Lord. Other people have to strengthen and develop their Anuraga bhakthi by the divine power of Sthothras and mantras which have come down to us according to rules.?Thus, what is appropriate to us is Vaidheya bhakthi, practiced with some basic love."
"In?Vaidheya?bhakthi?there are rules and procedures in different countries according to the religions followed there.?They?too?have?the power to obtain divine grace.?
But?Bhagawan?( Lord ) has ordained that such power is more for Veda mantras, the mantras of Agama worship flowing from them, the?sthothras, rules?so?forth.?Apart from these, he has also ordained that these yield?best?results only here in Bharat.?(It is difficult to explain why this is most effective only in Bharat, just as it is difficult to answer why?Switzerland has?such a?fine?climate and?Sahara?has unbearable heat).
It is our land?which?is "Karma bhumi"?and?it is here?the?power of mantras?yield?the full benefits.?When I say Karma?here?what I?mean?Sastra?karma (Sastra is a Sanskrit word that means "precept, rules, manual, compendium, book or treatise" in a general sense. The word is generally used as a suffix in the Indian literature context, for technical or specialised knowledge in a defined area of practice. Sastra has a similar meaning to English -logy, e.g. ecology, psychology, meaning scientific and basic knowledge on a particular subject. Examples in terms of modern neologisms include :
1. Bhautika?āstra ‘physics' Sastra is a Sanskrit word?in which mantras are involved.
It?is because Lord Vigneswara had felt?that,?only if the Atma Lingam or the idol of Ranganatha?remains?in Bharat, it?will?be?good?for Lanka and all countries. Lord Rama was gifting the valuable Idol to Sri Lanka through Vibeeshshana.
LORD Vigneswara,?He, the Vikatar, with all His dramatic talents and?Anugraha?performed this Lila”.
2. "The 18th G20 Summit was successfully conducted at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi during 9-10 September 2023.
It culminated all the G20 processes and meetings held throughout the year among ministers, senior officials, and civil societies.
The G20 Leaders' Declaration, a pivotal document, was adopted at the G20 New Delhi Summit. It underscores their unwavering commitment to the priorities discussed and agreed upon during the ministerial and working group meetings.
During the closing session of the New Delhi G20 Summit on 10 September 2023, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced that India would host a virtual G20 Leaders' Summit before the conclusion of India's G20 Presidency.
The Virtual Summit, which concluded on 22 November 2023, has taken forward key, select outcomes/action points from the New Delhi Summit and reviewed developments since then. The deliberations of the 2nd Voice of Global South Summit, held on 17 November 2023, also fed into the discussions.
The Virtual G20 Summit played a crucial role in advocating for the effective implementation of various G20 decisions, including through relevant national and international platforms."
Director, Compo2000 Pte Ltd, Singapore and Founder/Trustee @ Chiasm Dais Charitable Trust, India.
9 个月America's withdrawal from Afghanistan had significant impacts, including stunting economic development due to US sanctions on the Taliban. This action severely affected Afghanistan's banking sector and economy and is compared to the fall of Saigon in 1975, indicating widespread consequences such as reprisals and repression, especially against women and girls. The US government's seat of the Pentagon is powerful, especially when it involves its armed forces as a country. Individuals may have to suffer for being wet behind their ears.? When America entered Afghanistan behind the back of the armed forces of the retreating Russian Army, prudence could have prevailed. However, treaties will be signed by the outgoing leaders, and politically, whether such signed treaties are a must to be executed, I am still trying to figure it out. Ultimately, there will be tombstones and fresh flowers, and I am forced to scratch my head looking for an answer: what is Leadership? God Save the Earth. Temperature is rising!
Director, Compo2000 Pte Ltd, Singapore and Founder/Trustee @ Chiasm Dais Charitable Trust, India.
9 个月Thank you Suresh
Director, Compo2000 Pte Ltd, Singapore and Founder/Trustee @ Chiasm Dais Charitable Trust, India.
9 个月Thank you Ganesh.