Celestial Community Live
Carissa Pschenica
Ishkara Sounds Artist, Creative, Musician, Celestial Community Live @CelestialComLiv @IshkaraSounds Owner - Witches Brew LLC in Lincoln, NE
Here at Celestial Community Live, we promote, teach others how to self promote, and show off the talents of independent artists and creators.
We have several creators, bands, singers, and musicians in my network including myself.
We are looking to create a webisode series about artists and creators, how to stay motivated and thriving, from doing your own marketing & producing, touring & performing, staying connect with family & fan, to helping others along the way!
We would love to set up a tour, featuring numerous bands, artists and creators to help local causes & nonprofits all over the world.
Do you think you or your company might be a good fit for this project?
Do you know someone who might be?
Do you want to associate or Brand or Business to helping others?
Participates, sponsors, organizers, and creative talents needed!
If interested drop me a line or email at [email protected] please!
Carissa aka Ishkara Sounds
~Love & Light~