Celebrity Visits to Refugee Camps in the MENA region

Celebrity Visits to Refugee Camps in the MENA region

With the increase of refugee camps in the Middle East during the past decade, many relief organizations have been teaming up with celebrities to shed light on the difficult living situations for families in the refugee camps to assist in getting assistance and support to sustain these camps.

Many refugee camps are becoming permanent, and many children have been born in these refugee camps and are now attending school there and do not know an alternative life. This leads relief organizations to make these camps sustainable and one important way they are doing this is by collaborating with celebrities to visit refugee camps and speak out about the living conditions in the camps and what people can do to help.

This help from celebrities helps create a media buzz and gets people interested and involved. Many celebrities like Angelina Jolie have become known for their activism to support refugees and refugee camps in the Middle East and worldwide.

Arranging a celebrity visit to a refugee camp requires a thorough safety and security plan to be put in place especially since most of the camps in the Middle East are remote and close to the borders of neighboring countries.

Many factors need to be taken into consideration before, during, and after the celebrity's visit to the camp. At Crownox, we have experience arranging these types of visits.

Please visit our website if you would like more information or would like for us to arrange a visit for your team to a refugee camp in the region.?www.crownox.com



